How To Write an Ezine Article

Writing can be fraught at the best of times but it never ceases to amaze me just how much more difficult we make it by our approach. Writing an Ezine Article is no different to writing anything else. You need to approach the task in a professional way. There is little point in attempting to write anything whilst trying to answer mail, doing the dishes or grooming the pet. You have to give the article your undivided attention.

There is no set formula for the equipment you choose to write with, it just boils down to personal preference. Some people prefer to use a computer, others prefer a typewriter and some still like to use pen and paper. Select the one that you are most comfortable with.

Here are ten tips on how to make writing an Ezine Article a lot easier:

1. Allocate time

This will ensure that your train of thought is not interrupted. There is nothing worse for a writer than to have a good idea ruined by an interruption. To help yourself think find the quietest spot in the house, put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign up and close the door.

2. Remove all clutter

When you commence writing you do not want to be distracted by anything so clear your desk or table top of everything apart from your writing paraphernalia.

3. Select a topic

Most people find this one of the hardest things about writing and yet we are spoilt for choice. You can write about an activity that you enjoy, a sport you play, a hobby that you have, work experience, health concept, travel experience and so on. The choice is endless. Have the courage of your conviction and go for it.

4. Choose a title

Choosing a title is just as important as selecting the content. The title has to capture the gist of the content whilst at the same time be eye-catching enough to enable an editor to pick your article out of thousands of others.

5. Plan the content

There is little point in rambling on for countless pages and hope to retain the readers interest. All writing whether a book or Ezine Article will need to have a beginning, middle and an end.
Write down some basic points about your content. Then use headings and follow up by expanding the headings. Once this has been achieved, organise the content so that it makes sense whilst retaining a beginning, middle and end.

6. Write the Ezine Article

A basic mistake that all novice writers make is that they charge through their content as if there is no tomorrow. They then get disillusioned with the work and just give up. Whatever you write does not have to be done all at once. Learn to pace yourself.
Take tea breaks or go for walks. You will be surprised at how ideas can materialise and develop whilst enjoying a walk.

7. Proof-read Ezine Article

Having finished the article most writers will try to submit it and then wonder why it has been rejected. All content needs to be proofed to ensure that it makes sense, is grammatically correct and that it has the correct spelling. This process is both time consuming and demanding but there are no shortcuts, it has to be done.

8. Check spelling

Publishers will not accept articles with spelling mistakes.
Majority of word processors nowadays have Spell Checking software.
Failing that use a dictionary. There is no excuse for submitting work
with spelling mistakes.

9. Proof-read Ezine Article again

Once you have checked the article twice, get someone else to read it.
Does it make sense to them? Do they understand it? Do not feel threatened or embarrassed by other people’s comments.

10. Submit Ezine Article

Once you are happy with your article you can approach publishers.
Ensure that you adhere to the publishers submission rules otherwise your article will be rejected even before it gets seen by an editor.

Hope that this has helped. Good luck with your writing.

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About the Author

John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help UK homeowners find the best available loans via the website.