How Webmasters Can Become Experts and Write Expert Articles!

How Webmasters Can Become Experts and Write Expert Articles!

 by: Kanaga Siva

Write Articles, Be recognized as an Expert, Drive a Surge of Traffic to your Website, Increase your Link Popularity, Create Awareness,- yes that is what all Internet Marketers are talking about.

Article writing certainly does bring such great results to webmasters but do all articles yield such dividends? Only well written, thought provoking educative articles attain great heights. So let us explore how such articles could be written.

Before proceeding further let us keep this gem of an advice at the back of our minds.” Put it before them Briefly so they will Read it, Clearly so they will Appreciate it, Picturesquely so they will Remember it, and above all, Accurately so they will be guided by it."Joseph Pulitzer.

Writing articles require Thinking, Planning, Organizing and Researching. So to get started, relax quietly, put your thinking cap on, select a topic that you are most familiar with, say Home Based Business or Internet Marketing and brains storm your thoughts.

Write down everything that comes to your mind. It could be a beautiful sentence, a striking phrase or a technical or marketing jargon. Jot it down before you loose it and let your thinking flow. "Writing is no trouble; you just jot down ideas as they occur to you. The jotting is simplicity itself-it is the occurring which is difficult."Stephen Leeacock.

Researching is an important aspect of article writing. While researching be Inquisitive, be Curious, and be Focused. Remember your topic and collect only information related to your topic. Also keep in mind that while researching you are building a vast reservoir of knowledge that is going to be of immense value in running your Home Based Business, Internet Marketing or any other Online Business.

Prepare an initial draft from the notes taken during the brains storming session and from the researched material. Strike off whatever notes you think are irrelevant to the topic. Group all relevant material under different headings.

If there are several ideas under a heading, then have different paragraphs for different ideas. At this stage check your grammar and terminology. See that your ideas are clear and precise. Also ensure that there is continuity and flow, right from introduction to conclusion.

Once your draft is written, leave it aside for a few hours or even for a day or so. This process will help you to bring new ideas, new thoughts and a new perspective. Add the new ideas and correct the spelling. When redrafting ensure that the article falls within the specified word limit. If it is too long, rephrase the sentences or strike off the sentences that are not very relevant.

Now the article is almost ready. Writing an article is one thing but capturing the attention of your audience is quite a different matter altogether. The first thing that captivates a reader's mind is without doubt the Title.

Write a Killer Title or a Catchy Title that will immediately grab the attention of the reader. If you succeed in this, then half your battle in capturing the attention of the reader is over.

Next write an introduction that is concise, powerful and illuminating. It should automatically create an urge and desire on the part of the reader to continue reading the article.

Conclude the article with an effective and captivating paragraph that will compel the reader to take the action that you have preplanned for him e.g. reprinting your article on Home Based Business or Internet Marketing, Tell a Friend or read your Resource Box.

As mentioned initially, one of the main objectives of writing an article is to get traffic to your website. Place a Resource Box at the end of the article. This should contain a powerful and captivating description of yourself, your website or your product in third person and in no more than four or five lines. Add your name and the URL of your website. This will be the nerve center of your article as far as your objective is concerned.

That is it, follow these simple steps and you will be on the way to write and submit articles of quality that will create a stampede to your website. Above all, you are now just a step away from being an Expert in your field. Remember “The Expert at anything was once a beginner".Hayes