Learn to Write Articles in 5 Simple Steps

No matter what reasons you may have for writing articles if you do this with any consistency at all it is to your benefit to learn to write in the most efficient manner possible.

With so many businesses now using the internet article marketing has become very popular as a means to advertise goods and services. The need to produce fresh content, and often, can be very challenging if you write articles to generate traffic.

In order to make this type of online advertising work effectively you need approach the writing process in a way that maximizes your efforts while minimizing your time.

Although everybody has different preferences, strengths, and schedules to contend with the writing process will essentially be the same. It's a matter of tailoring what works best for you and your particular situation to get the most out of your article writing.

With that in mind view the 5 step process put forth here today as a starting point for you to consider when organizing your article writing efforts.

Establish Your Topic

The first thing you obviously have to do is to establish the subject upon which you are going to write. I like to do this ahead of time perhaps even the day before. Once you've chosen your topic go ahead and rough out an outline of the main points you want to address.

Maybe you have some direction in which you may want to take your points, if so make notes, brainstorm if you will and then move on to the next step.

Article Research

Now that you've established your topic and a rough outline you have now given your article research some direction. Again like establishing the topic, I like to pull together my research before I sit down to write articles. The advantage to doing these 2 steps before hand is that it gives me a chance think about the content and how I want to present it. When I do actually sit down to write I find my mind more focused on the material and usually bristling with ideas. The longer I think about the content before I actually begin to compose it the more ideas I have and the easier it is to write.

Get an Early Start

After a good nights rest I prefer to make my article writing the first task of the day. My mind is fresher, more focused, and it is usually more peaceful in the morning resulting in less distractions.

Speaking of Focus

As stated previously I prefer the early morning to begin my writing for the quiet and focus morning hours bring. One thing I do not do is get sidetracked by phone calls, web surfing, or checking emails. These are things that can all wait till later in the day. Take advantage of your focus, energy level, and the quiet to be the most productive.

Begin with Opening and Closing Paragraphs

This may sound strange at first to actually write your closing paragraph before the body of your article but here's why. More 'creativity' will go into the opening and closing paragraphs of your article so tap into your fresh mind to get these done FIRST.

Often the opening paragraph is the most challenging aspect of any article. You already know what you want to write about so just create a brief intro and then a concluding paragraph first. Doing it this way will make your writing seem a heck of a lot easier. With this out of the way you can now simply refer to the research material you've already accumulated to compose the body of the article itself.

Writing articles is a terrific way to gain some free online advertising for your business or other projects or interests. The key is learn to write during a time that you find you're the most productive and least distracted. By doing so you'll be increasing the efficiency with which you writes article allowing yourself additional time to focus on other areas of your business or life.