Luring Back Your Muse

How often has this happened? You have finally found time to try to pen poetry, but words elude you. You have a quiet spot to yourself, at last, but no matter what, your writer's block persists. Your muse has taken a holiday, leaving a less than inspired writer without the poetic sights, sounds, and textures so desired by a poet's pen. How, then, can a muse be lured back? Here are a few suggestions that I hope will be helpful.

Read your favorite poems, both your own and those of your favorite poets, or branch out and read poets you have never read. If you enjoy reading and writing traditional poems, mostly, then maybe try reading and writing free verse poems.

Experiment with poetic forms. The Internet can be a treasure trove, in this respect. Many poetic forms can be discovered online. Being a member of Writing.Com has also exposed me to poetic forms that I had never known of before. Which brings me to the next suggestion: join a writing community. Becoming a member of a writing community can help spark ideas, expose you to those various poetic forms, and, perhaps, keep you motivated to write. Poetry challenges and contests can assuage your muse, and lure your muse back to fill you with poetic inspirations.

Another fun thing to do is visit your favorite haunts, making sure you have pen and pad in hand. A friend of mine even once referred to himself as "Starbucks Poet." If you