This is just common sense, and you most likely already do it if working from home is your primary source of income.
The articles you have published on one site can be published elsewhere as non-exclusive content also. Afterall, it takes some time to write a quality article. If you are a member of 5 other sites, you now have 30 exposures instead of one. Obviousley there are many more sites to do this. It only takes a little organization and you will have a steady stream of extra income to you every month. I also blog all of my work in different places according to topic, so there really is no end to how many places your work will be viewed. It all ads up to cold hard cash and that is what most people are here for, self employment.
This process can take some time if you don't plan ahead. The best advice I can give you is to research something you already have interest in. Everyone will tell you this but it makes sense due to the fact that if you already like the topic, it is easier to recall what you have read and turn that information into your own words in less than 30 minutes.
It will convert to cash faster than you think.
Unpopular Channels.
Even though writing in a popular channel is always a good idea. Other channels with less traffic also have topics with fewer articles. Some people really are interested in the steps it takes to shave legs, or how to bottle feed a goat. Look around, type in the most abstract interest that springs to mind. Choose a title you like then spend the next 30 minutes typing your piece.
Set a daily schedule to maximise your posting.
If you have many money making blogs as I do, you'll appreciate the crtical time factor. Afterall, setting up for residual income is one thing. Getting time to do what you have to off the computer is another. I am also doing a research project at the moment so my time is somewhat limited. But I must take care of my article publishing first and foremost as the funds I make enable me to continue with my work. My whole system amounts to being a vicious cirlce, but writing is also a very welcomed time of relaxation for me, so I look forward to this part of my day.
How to make money twice from what you do for a living.
Whatever you work at is the obvious secondary content for your article. What you like should be first, as already mentioned. But not everyone likes their job. However, let's say you're a handyman and you had to go out to hang a door for somebody. Hanging a door is a tricky process. I for one have hung doors 3 or 4 times (yes, each) when renovating, only to then have to call in a contractor to redo it for me. For this very reason, the extra 30 minutes it takes to jot down and post how you did it will be of great benefit to people like myself.