Preselling. Your Pathway to Success


MYCPS!... The ONLY Book Of Its Kind

"Make Your Content PREsell!" ("MYCPS!") is the ONLY book of its kind. There are, of course, hundreds of books that teach you how to write, the classic being...

"The Elements of Style"
by William Strunk Jr

Only two problems with these "general writing" books...

1) They are so dry as to be almost unreadable. Medical textbooks are easier to read! ;-)

2) They have almost nothing to do with the REAL world.

There is a certain irony about these books.
After all, if there were truly written well, they'd COMMUNICATE far more effectively.

After all, THAT is the point of writing. How well does MYCPS! communicate? Take a look...

Besides all the books on "general writing," there must be thousands MORE on how to write "sales copy." (Our own MYWS! continues to be a favorite!) And that's great, if you have something to sell. Even then, the power of C-T-P-M has established that SELLING comes after PREselling...

Discover how to Create a Web site that Sells.

Yes indeed... thousands of books about all kinds of writing.

But MYCPS! is the ONLY book of its kind. It shows you, step by step, clearly...

1) how to write to COMMUNICATE

2) how to develop your own "voice" with flair and substance

3) how to spin your site/biz/SELF into a unique position

4) how to HONESTLY convince people to trust and like you.

No other book in the world shows you how to do this. So...

Why is THAT so important? Glad you asked... ;-)


Without The Right Skills, You're Doomed

The Web is a communication medium. Let's be more precise...

The Web is a TEXT communication medium.

For the next 10 years (at least), text will remain THE way to communicate. During that time, you will make or break your business success, your very life possibly.

Yes, The Web is a TEXT communication
medium. "Text rules," and it will rule for AT LEAST 10 more years. Sure, high-speed access has finally reached the 50% mark. But, as I predicted years ago, it's taken much longer
than anyone else was projecting. Now...

It will accelerate. And as the developed world becomes more and more of a 24 x 7 high-speed world, visual technologies will become more important (an interesting
challenge for today's Search Engines).

But never, never, NEVER forget...

The Internet is NOT Microsoft or AOL or CNN. It's not the Fortune 500, at all.

So WHAT IS the "real Internet"?

It's the millions of small business people, the countless "islands of expertise."

It's YOU.

Together, the tens of millions of small
business people provide the Web with the diversity that makes it such a beautiful, rich experience.

Sure, CNN will be full-video in 5 years. But I can ALREADY watch TV!

Sure, the "BIGCOs" of the world are moving their current business online, and will become progressively more visually oriented.

But that reduces the Net to a more efficient catalog or a faster way to do business.

Small business people will remain the
backbone, the real reason for the Net to even exist. And THAT Internet will STAY text-based for at least 10 years, likely much longer.

Phew, glad I got THAT off my chest. Now, where was I? Oh yes, the Web is a TEXT communication medium. However...

Somewhere along the way, we have become obsessed with everything except how to write that TEXT. I can't overemphasize its supreme importance.

communicates on the Net, even if it's only via e-mail, NEEDS this book. (It is "#1 must reading" for our support staff.)

In truth, it's not ONLY for online marketers...

EVERONE needs this book. EVERYONE.

If you don't insist that your children READ this book, you're doing them a disservice. If you don't tell YOUR audience the same thing, you're doing THEM a disservice.

Ditto for the children of your audience!

As I said above, MYCPS! shows you, step by step, clearly...

1) how to write to COMMUNICATE

2) how to develop your own "voice" with flair and substance

3) how to spin your site/biz/self into a unique position

4) how to honestly convince people to trust and like you.

No other book in the world shows you how to do this.

We live in a world where communication is the #1 skill set of value.
Without that skill, you're doomed.

THAT is why this book is so important. And THAT is why I call this book...


"One Heck Of A Paddle"

That state of writing in the english world is absolutely abysmal. And there is no reason for it. If anything is holding small business back on the Internet, it's writing.

Most small businesses can't afford to hire a writer.

And most small business people can't write.

So where does that leave them on the Web, where the written word is king?

It leaves them up a certain creek, without a paddle.

Well, MYCPS! is one heck of a paddle.

When we think of "writing," we think of Hemingway. But...

Hemingway had a gift.

Writing to PREsell is not a gift.

Writing to PREsell does not REQUIRE a gift.

Writing to PREsell is a skill you can ACQUIRE.

MYCPS! helps you acquire that skill.

It helps EVERYONE acquire that skill.

And I do mean EVERYONE.

Which brings me to where this book belongs...

In EVERYONE'S hands. That's why...
Check it out here:
Discover how to Create a Web site that Sells.

Regards Chris Ryan.
The Six Simple Steps to Online Success

About the Author

Aussie male and web master of The Six Simple Steps to Online Success.
Residence: The wonderful Perth.
Western Australia.