Press Release Writing

An alternative of article writing as a web marketing tool is press release writing. It is a method of writing which actually follows the basic principles of article writing. In terms of structure and style, both are simple and concise when being written. However, writing a press release has a different approach when compared to article writing.

A press release is a write-up about a specific product, service or event. Unlike article writing that is generally neutral and informative, a press release mentions a particular brand. It is basically written not only to stir the interest of the reader on a broad topic, but it already informs the target audience about a particular brand or name.

It all starts with a date line. A date line contains the date and the place where the press release is created. The key element here is to state the freshness of each release. At one point, it is like a news clip. When and where it was publish do matter. It must be recent and the best way to show it is through its date line.

Following the date line is the body. The typical press release introduces a person who is directly or indirectly connected with the product or service. He/She can be the owner who established the business, a person who helped achieve its success or a person who directly benefited from the product. This is commonly done by many writers because it can establish the credibility right away.

Next, the product or service is introduced in the body. Ideally, the product or service must be defined in common terms. For example, if it is a multi-level marketing business, it must explain what does it do and how does it operate. It pays to give the readers a general concept of what the product or service is all about.

Once the overview is done, it is now time to give the key features of the product. Without sounding overly promotional, state the parts of the product that sets it apart from all others. It can be a function or it can be the price. As long as it is something unique, it must be included in the body. Also include the benefits and advantages that a person can derive from the product or service.

An author's box is placed at the end of each press release. Just like those in articles, it is used to let the readers have an access to the author just in case they want more details.

To your successful press release writing!