Obituary writing is often a deeply moving experience. People assume that obituary writing is sad and depressing, and sometimes it is, though, obituary writing is an art, it is more than a regular beat. Obituary writing is a job that requires the best journalistic skills and a deep sense of compassion. Most professional obituary writers will tell you that obituary writing is an honor, a privilege, and great fun. Journalist who, at their first days spend their time writing nothing but death notices, are still think obituary writing is the most rigorous training a young reporter can have. Very interesting is that there are young writers going into the obituary field, people with wit and skills
Having death before our eyes never allows us to take life for granted. Death is a mystery we can never comprehend; we can only grieve and mourn the loss of the people we love and in that grieving come closer together. Now there is a devoted worldwide following of obituary fans who pore over deaths of everyone from celebrities to philanthropists to ordinary people. Obits sell papers. If an interesting 'important' person dies, it will be on the newspapers (it might get in without details of the death), but if you are 'nobody', forget it