Snob-Bloggers: You Just Might Be A Snob If You Publish A Blog

Snob-bloggers are a phenomenon that seems to be on the rise, and it's impossible to ignore. These individuals are often seen as entitled and opinionated, with a sense of superiority over those who don't share their worldview. They often use their blogs as a platform to express their disdain for certain lifestyles, products, or ideas.

So, who are these snob-bloggers? They could be anyone, from wealthy influencers to self-righteous activists. They may have stumbled into blogging accidentally or started with a specific agenda in mind. Regardless of their background, they share a common trait: they use their blog to elevate their opinions and preferences above those of others.

One of the most common examples of snob-bloggers are the fashion aficionados who offer their opinions on the latest designer pieces. Often, they will take a condescending tone towards anyone who isn't wearing the most recent trend, or who isn't up on the latest collections. They may even turn it into a competition, where being the most fashionable is the ultimate goal.

Another common type of snob-blogger is the food critic. These bloggers take pride in their refined palate and look down on those who don't share their taste preferences. They may criticize certain types of cuisine or specific restaurants, often dismissing them as "not authentic" or "not up to their standards." They may also fixate on the latest food fads, often going to extreme lengths to try the latest food trend first.

Politics are also a hot topic for snob-bloggers. These individuals believe that their political views are superior to those of others and are quick to express their opinions on the matter. They may write lengthy blog posts arguing their viewpoint and dismiss those who disagree as unenlightened or ignorant.

So, what makes someone a snob-blogger? One of the defining characteristics is a sense of entitlement. Snob-bloggers believe that their opinions are worth more than others and that their lifestyle choices are superior. They may also have a desire to be seen as elite or influential, which motivates them to uphold an image of superiority.

Another red flag is an excessive focus on consumerism. Snob-bloggers may be obsessed with the latest designer products or the newest food trends, to the point where they see consumerism as a reflection of their worth. They may also be quick to dismiss those who can't afford the same luxuries, seeing them as inferior or unimportant.

Of course, not all bloggers are snobs. Many use their platform to share their passions or offer helpful information. However, it's important to be aware of the snob-bloggers out there, as they can have a negative impact on those around them. They may spread negativity or make others feel inferior, which is not a healthy or positive use of a blog.

In conclusion, snob-bloggers may be entitled, opinionated, and obsessed with consumerism. They believe that their opinions are superior and may look down on those who disagree with them. While not all bloggers are snobs, it's important to be aware of their presence and avoid getting caught up in a culture of elitism. Ultimately, blogs should be a platform for positivity and helpful information, not a place for snobbery.