Visualizing the future does not mean only focusing on our careers or business, because our lives consist of so much more than that. In order to live abundantly we need to visualize abundance in every area of our lives. A few of those areas are - financial, business/career, personal, health/fitness, fun, relationships, spirituality, community service and contribution. Creating a storyboard for ourselves in each of these areas will allow you to attain balance and incredible happiness and joy. I kid you not!
Here again are the seven categories of life in which I encourage you to begin storyboarding:
1. Finances - In our financial lives we need to focus on goals concerning the TOTAL income we would like to receive each week/month/year; the amount of money we want to invest in real estate or other appreciating assets, the sum of money we want to put into savings (remember, your minimum retirement has to be $2 million. Why? Because you'll live longer in retirement than you do working), and finally, the debts we want to pay off - all this while becoming debt-free, stress-free and set free.
2. Business - In our business lives we need to consider every business we want to build, all of the different careers we want to have (whether there's one or ten and no matter how crazy they may sound to anyone else) and even the key people with whom we want to work. This last point is incredibly important. If you don't write down the type of people you want to work with or even write specific names of people you most admire and want to learn from, you'll miss so much opportunity in your life! Bob Allen and I address this issue specifically in the book we have co-authored, The One Minute Millionaire, which is now being sold at my site.
3. Personal - In our personal lives we need only concentrate on ourselves - there is a "relationship" category that we will use to consider others. Here, we need to discover skills we want to perfect, all of the material things we want to purchase and own, the lavish vacations we want to take and exotic (or not so exotic) places we want to visit. Anything and everything we want specifically for ourselves goes here.
4. Health and Fitness - When it comes to this category, I'm not only talking about physical fitness. I'm also including spiritual fitness and mental fitness. Each category is either an appreciating or depreciating asset for us. Obviously, I want you to make your every equity increase in value! We need to deal with things such as exercise, nutrition, developing ourselves spiritually, learning and incorporating new ways of thinking and overall awareness of mind, body and spirit.
5. Fun, Fun, Fun! - Unfortunately, this is the category that most people forget about or feel guilty about. That is nonsense! We are ALL meant to have FUN. We need it in our lives. I know I know - you tell me that work can be fun... and that;s true, but work has it's own category! I'm talking about real fun - Disneyland, roller coasters, dancing, sailing, playing on the beach - real fun. Whatever it is that puts butterflies in your stomach and a smile that you can't wipe off your face, that's what I call fun. It is real, we deserve it and it deserves time in our lives. Schedule time regularly for this to happen.
6. Relationships - This is the category where we concentrate on the people in our lives. They can be members of our family, business clients, life-long mentors or mentors that we'd like to learn from, office co-workers or our own employees. We deserve to have amazing relationships, so deciding on the relationships we want is extremely important. Having a high-quantity and high-quality relationship is the key to staying in touch with who YOU are and HOW you walk through the remainder of your life.
7. Contribution - Our lives should be brimming with contribution to those around us and to organizations that we believe in. We all have gifts, talents, time, energy, ideas and/or money. It's our obligation to the Universe to contribute whatever we have to give. God has given me the commission to get more people to give. Toward that end, I've written a booklet entitled, The Miracle of Tithing,. Check it out and learn how easy it is to give - and reap the rewards as a result!
Gain Access to The Page Where I Show You Step By Step How I'm Going To Help You Manifest Your Masterpiece!
By Mark Victor Hansen
with Armitage, Inc.
P.S. Expect to have the life you've always dreamed of by creating it in detail! Go to my website at to learn HOW to take immediate action by ordering our bestseller, The One Minute Millionaire. Or, check into my product section for the products and seminars I mentioned above that will help walk you through the step-by-step process of storyboarding your life's goals, then setting action steps in place. For writers and speakers, you'll want to check into my new 2004 MegaBook Marketing Seminar CDs. If you're "otherwise oriented," listen as the masters of many industries discuss Masterminding Your Way to Millions.