Storyboard Your Future - Lights, Camera, Action

Each of us must do massive right thinking, take massive right action and get massive right results, right here, right now.

Now, for each of my top goals I need to decide upon the action steps I will take to accomplish them, and the time line in which I will do the action.

I then list those action steps and do at least one action step for that one goal every day until it is accomplished. Then, I move onto another goal until every goal becomes a reality.

For instance, in order to take tango lessons with my wife, here's my list of action steps:

1. Ask my wife if she'd like to take tango lessons
2. Decide which evening we'd like to take lessons (let's say Wednesday)
3. Find dance studios that offer tango lessons on Wednesday evenings
4. Sign up for dance lessons
5. Schedule every Wednesday evening to be devoted to dance lessons with my wife

There. Goal achieved. And I write the word "VICTORY!" right next to it in purple ink.

Gain Access to The Page Where I Show You Step By Step How I'm Going To Help You Manifest Your Masterpiece!

By Mark Victor Hansen

with Armitage, Inc.

P.S. Expect to have the life you've always dreamed of by creating it in detail! Go to my website at to learn HOW to take immediate action by ordering our bestseller, The One Minute Millionaire. Or, check into my product section for the products and seminars I mentioned above that will help walk you through the step-by-step process of storyboarding your life's goals, then setting action steps in place. For writers and speakers, you'll want to check into my new 2004 MegaBook Marketing Seminar CDs. If you're "otherwise oriented," listen as the masters of many industries discuss Masterminding Your Way to Millions.