The World's Greatest Cover Letter Secret Revealed

There are a few ways to write a winning cover letter but there is only one way to put yours in the top one percent of all cover letters ever written. What I'm about to share with you now will put yours in that elite group.

Expert marketers have been using this secret for decades. Why? Because it is truly the one strategy that works every time. And yet, you will rarely, if ever, see this technique used in a cover letter. That changed for me, however, when I realized during my marketing career that if this little gem could be effective in advertising copy it could be just as successful in a job-search cover letter.

In advertising, the bottom line is selling the product. In a cover letter, the bottom line is selling yourself so you will win an interview and then the job. My clients have shown me by their success rate, that this secret works like a charm. Thousands have experienced a huge increase in interviews and job offers. You can too.

Now you can make this secret your own.

End your job-search cover letter with a postscript