The stories and articles you can write about are
only limited by your imagination, ingenuity and
persistence. And your ability to dig deep into and
write well about a potentially good story or article
can make you a published writer.

You can write about many things and here are a few
of them:

YOUR LIFE! No two people on earth have had the exact
experiences. Each of us goes through life and
experience things which are unique only to ourselves.
Your life experiences are fodder for good personal
experience articles. To start writing this type of
article, brainstorm about unusual, unique, scary or
even dangerous events you have experienced. From your
list, think of an angle or an interesting way you can
present your experience.

I'LL TEACH YOU HOW TO! Do you have a special talent,
skill or knowledge? Why not write instructional
articles based on those? This type of articles are
commonly known as how-to articles and are regularly
published in magazines because of their popularity
to readers. How-to articles are usually written in a
step-by-step manner, using bullet or number lists.

PROFILES! Personality profiles or sketches feature
subjects who are more or less famous people
celebrities, sports heroes, politicians, or someone
who is recognized in his/her field. For profile
articles, look within your community (town, city,
state, region) and see if you can find and interview
local celebrities. Usually, profiles are in the form
of Q&A so you only need to come up with interesting
questions for your subject. You can then submit your
profile article to your community paper or regional

INSPIRATIONALS! Articles that inspire, motivate and/or
move people to tears or laughter fall under this
category. Religious or secular articles are also
forms of inspirational articles. If you're new to
writing, submitting inspirational pieces for church
or religious magazines is a good way to break into
the writing and publishing field.

JAUNTS! Travel articles appeal to practically everyone,
even to those who have never traveled. Have you been
someplace where you found the sights, customs, food,
habits, or culture different and interesting? If you
travel frequently, start taking down notes of where
the best places to stay are, where the interesting
sights can be found, where to stay, and how to get to
those places. Keep a travel notebook and log your
travels. Write your impressions of places, people
and cultures.

SPECIAL INTERESTS! Some special interest subjects
are parenting, child nutrition, home and garden, and
health. There are certainly thousands of publications
that cater to special interest subjects. If you have
been gardening for years, you can write articles for
gardening enthusiasts. Specialize on your area of
interest and over time, you will establish yourself
as an expert in that area.

About the Author

Shery Ma Belle Arrieta
Shery is the creator and author of the exciting
new series of ebooks for writers, SEEDS: Ideas for the Everyday
(Non-Fiction) Writer. You can download a FREE sampler at The July SEEDS ebook
contains 82 idea seeds, all based on historical events.