Titles Sell Tips Booklets

The title you choose for your tips booklet can be the
difference between a product that sells well and one
that doesn't.

In every powerful title or headline is a "hidden code"
that is actually a generic formula to get attention and
create desire in the buyers mind. This is part of the
formula commonly used in advertising.

A - Attention
I - Interest
D - Desire
A - Action


The book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by
Dale Carnegie first published in 1936 has sold over 10
million copies worldwide. His other book "How to Stop
worrying and Start Living" has also sold steadily both
of which use the formula "how to...and..." effectively
for both the book titles and in the mail order
advertising campaign.

Generally titles that have an emotional appeal and solve
a common problem tend to do extremely well.

"Think and grow rich" by Napolean Hill and "The lazy
Man's Way to Riches" by Joe Karbo have sold millions of
copies simply by appealing to the emotions and providing
a solution to a common problem.

Another type of title that tends to do well is what is
known as the "teaser" title.

"What your............isn't telling you"

A majority of people tend to buy tips booklets after they
have experienced a problem. The demand for booklets that
are targeted towards problem prevention tend to be the
least popular from a selling point of view.


Many people are unconcerned with particular health problems
(Asthma, allergies, diabetes etc) until they experience the
problem on a personal level and the title "How to Live with
your....... " or "12 Tips for Coping with....." has a greater
selling potential than the title "How to prevent......."

Titles that tend to sell well for tips booklets include:

How to.......and.....
101 Ways to........
..... Tips for...........
25 Secrets of Successful.............
7 Steps to.................
Discover the 7 Essential Elements that Guarantee.........
How to Make Your................. Dreams Come True
How to Turn....................... into.........
25 Tips for Mastering the Art of...........
101 Ways to Get More from Your.......
25 No-Fail Strategies for...........
What your.......... isn't telling you
25 Ways to Keep Your........... Dreams Alive
25 Tips to Jump-Start Your.........
10 Ways to Jump-Start Your.......
25 Questions You Must Ask When You're...........

When a certain number of tips are specified by the
title ensure that the stated number of tips, or more,
are included.

Four more titles that sell well for any booklet, book
or article include:

The Complete Guide to.............
Your Must Know Guide to..........
........... and Grow Rich
Mastering the Art of.........

Next time you are in a bookstore or at the library look at
what titles appeal to you, and why, then compile your own
list of generic titles you can use.

About the Author

Jill is a freelance writer and photogapher and author of
"Your e-Book Business Starts here!". For resources and
ideas for work-at-home writers and self-publishers
visit: "Net Writing and e-Publishing Success" at