To Join a Blogging Site or Not to Join

Blogging is no longer a new concept and has been around for more than two decades now. The rise of social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, may have overshadowed blogs' popularity in recent years, but they are still a valuable tool for individuals and businesses alike. With so many blogging sites to choose from, it can be a daunting decision whether to join one or not. This article will explore the advantages and disadvantages of joining a blogging site, helping you make an informed decision.

Advantages of joining a blogging site

1. Exposure and traffic

One of the primary benefits of joining a blogging site is the exposure and traffic it can bring to your blog. Most blogging platforms are designed to be search engine friendly, making it easier for your blog to rank higher in search engine results pages. By doing so, you can attract more readers to your blog and gain more visibility online.

2. Community

Blogging sites offer a vibrant online community of bloggers who share similar interests and passions. By joining a blogging site, you can connect with other bloggers in your niche, exchange ideas, and build lasting relationships. You can also interact with your readers, answer their questions, and get feedback on your blog, helping you improve and refine your content.

3. Easy to use

Blogging sites are user-friendly and come with a range of tools to help you create, publish, and manage your blog. Most platforms have an intuitive interface, making it easy for beginners to get started. You don't need to be tech-savvy or have coding knowledge to create a blog on a blogging site.

4. Cost-effective

Most blogging sites are free to join and use, making them a cost-effective way to establish a digital presence. You don't need to purchase a domain name, hosting, or pay for any software licenses, as everything is provided by the platform. Some platforms do offer premium features that you can buy, but these are optional and not necessary to run a successful blog.

5. Monetize your blog

If you're interested in making money from your blog, then joining a blogging site can be advantageous. Most blogging platforms allow you to monetize your blog through ads, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and more. By tapping into these revenue streams, you can turn your blog into a profitable business.

Disadvantages of joining a blogging site

1. Lack of control

When you join a blogging site, you are subject to the platform's terms and conditions, which may limit your control over your blog. For example, some platforms may restrict the types of content you can publish, the design of your blog, or even the monetization methods you can use. If you want complete control over your blog, then it's best to create a self-hosted blog.

2. Limited customization

While blogging sites offer a range of templates and themes to choose from, customization options are often limited. This means that your blog may not stand out from the crowd, or you may not be able to achieve the exact look or functionality that you want. If you're looking for complete customizability, self-hosted blogs are the way to go.

3. Platform can shut down

Blogging platforms can shut down abruptly, leaving your blog without a home. While this risk is relatively low for well-established platforms like WordPress or Blogger, it is still a possibility. If this does happen, you may lose all your content, followers, and traffic. To mitigate this risk, make sure to regularly back up your blog's content.

4. Limited branding options

Branding is essential for building a recognizable and memorable presence online. Most blogging sites offer little room for branding, such as the ability to use a custom domain or logo. This means that your blog may not be memorable, and it may be difficult for readers to find you amidst the competition.

5. Limited features

While most blogging sites offer an array of features, they may not be as robust or advanced as those found in self-hosted blogs. For example, you may not have access to advanced SEO tools, security measures, or third-party integrations. If you have specific requirements for your blog, then a self-hosted blog may be more suitable.


Joining a blogging site can be a great way to establish an online presence, connect with other bloggers, and reach a larger audience. However, it's important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages carefully before making a decision. Consider your blogging goals, the level of control and customization you desire, and any potential risks or limitations. With the right blogging platform, you can create a successful blog that enables you to share your passion with the world.