Using Articles-Writing Efficient Copy in 30 Minutes Flat

There is a way that this can be done. Don't think to yourself, "this is impossible," because you are wrong. There is a very simple plan you can begin today in order to get the results you achieve. The idea is to be able to crank out as many articles as you can in the shortest amount of time possible. What's listed below is a format that you can put in place starting today, so in time not only will you be able to write quicker but more fluid as well.

1. Become an expert in your niche. It's very possible to be able to crank out an article in 30 minutes or less if you eliminate the need for research. If what needs to be written is already in your head, you've just cut down your time. My recommendation to you is to gain expert status on whatever niche or topic you've chosen for yourself and your readers. Do as much reading as possible. Make time for it and webinars as well. You will be able to find many good free sites where the experts offer their information using online video. It's important to attain firsthand knowledge of your topic. This will make you more believable to your readers. Another good idea is to do interviews with other experts in your field.

2. Improving your typing skill-set is the next thing you must tackle. This pertains to those, you know who you are, who has to look down at their keyboard when their typing or those who can only type around 40 words per minute. You can obviously cut your time in half, if you can speed up your typing to around 70 words per minute. So invest some of your time into improving your skills. You can always purchase a typing program, download it one free or just use the keyboard tools that come standard with most computers. If your goal is to be using articles as a marketing tool without the cost of outsourcing then you must learn to improve. Start by writing something you know a lot about and then progress to your field of interest.

3. It may also help if you create an outline of your topic before engaging the keyboard. Let me ask you a simple question. Do you often times find yourself staring at the computer screen, scouring your brain, trying to come up with what should be written next? Rest assured, this can be easily avoided by developing an outline for your article before you begin writing. You don't need to write down every little tid-bit that you're going to use, just the basics. Otherwise you would be defeating the purpose of trying to save time in the first place.

4. Using tips, a numbered list (as I have done here), bullets or a how-to-format all work well in speeding up the writing process. Based on my extensive experience in the field of writing I have found that using one of these formats is much faster than plugging away with lengthy sentences in long difficult to scan paragraphs.

5. The point must be made quickly. If you could only give me another half hour of your time I will try and explain. Just kidding, but I hope you've gotten the point. A long drawn out affair will only annoy the reader and cause the person to move on and seek the information somewhere else. So keep things short and to the point. There is no need to fill your articles with useless filling. You are not writing a book. Get straight to the point, inform your readers up front and tell them exactly what it is you have to say in short sentences that form short easily scannable paragraphs.

If you do the few things that have been mentioned here your writing speed should quickly improve and you will be using articles to boost your online marketing at an ever increasing pace.

Learn everything you will ever need to know about article marketing by clicking below.