What Else Can I Ask For

What else can I ask for?

I am so intoxicated in Her love

Everything I do has the vision of Her within

The moment I wake up, I feel her

When I am asleep, I feel Her

What else can I say besides mentioning about Her Blessings and Love?

What else can I do? What else can I say?

I often wondered how could the spirit of a bird be captured without killing it?

I searched for a direct experience for the answer

I yearn for someone who can truly be my sky

I realized who else could it be besides my Guru who is the supplier of unconditional love?

She has become my blue sky the moment our hearts joined

There's so much space for flying and at the same time the shelter of this blue bird from the scorching sun.

About the Author

Kathryn Lim is a life coach, business image consultant and author of Wealth From Within who can be reached at kathryn@kathrynlim.com, or visited on the web http://www.cvreferral.com/17/108655.html