What is it How does it work

What is it? How does it work? I don’ t get it.

The Internet is full of tools and ever-changing developments that can leave the mild surfer in a cyber rip current, left in a wash on how to get grounded. One new development, ebooks, benefits all Internet users but still plagues the lot of us. So, Dream Jobs To Go.com is throwing out a free ebook, as a buoy, to help you float through the maze of Internet confusion.

What is an EBOOK?
It is a question that baffles many, even those in the publishing industry. Some describe an ebook as a device used to read electronic books. Is that your final answer? If it were, you would have wished you used a “Dream Jobs” lifeline.

An ebook is a mystery to most. How do you get one, what software do you need to use one? Why should I read a book on my computer? All of these questions are perfectly valid to anyone who has never used an ebook. They are not just for the cyber bookworms, in fact, it is designed for the non-cyber savvy humanoid.

So lets clear this up:

What is an EBOOK?
It is an instant downloading manuscript that is emailed to your pc for immediate use.

How do you get one?
There are many sites that offer these ebooks but if you want short works of about 30 pages, www.DreamJobsToGo.com has an ever-growing inventory of titles.

What software do you need to use one?
You need Adobe Acrobat Reader available free from www.Intellectua.com and used on many sites such as Amazon and B&N.

Why should I read a book on my computer?
The beauty of an ebook is, that while you are reading the material on your computer, active links allow you to view a website the author is referring to. This feature acts like an interactive teacher and allows the reader the opportunity to fully understand the information.

The trick with everything cyber is to gain a complete understanding by experiencing it first hand. We feel the same way, so www.DreamJobsToGo.com has offered a free ebook on the site so everyone can completely understand how an ebook works, risk free. Go to the site, download the free reader software (it’s so easy) and then download your free ebook “Clothing Optional – Finding a New Career in Your Underpants.” Not only will the freebie give you the complete ebook experience, it will also give you tips on how to use the Internet as another valuable resource: finding a job while surfing the web, even in your underpants, or your swimsuit, you cyber guru, you.

Welcome to our world.

About the Author

Amy Crawford is a writer who specializes in career and employment topics. She runs the free Dream Job Mentors discussion group at http://www.DreamJobsToGo.com.