Why Aren't You Writing Ezine Articles

I'm amazed!

Everywhere I go on the Web, people are desperately
searching for ways to get more traffic to their
websites. Some will even pay hundreds of dollars foran
Express Listing in Yahoo.

And yet one of the most powerful ways of driving
traffic to your website is completely free and anyone
can do it.

A few savvy webmasters have been using this
techniquefor years to drive high-volume traffic to
their websites. And they've made a fortune!

I'm talking about Ezine Articles.

There's a huge demand for Ezine Articles right now but
only a handful of people are using this technique.
That's why you keep seeing the same articles being
published in dozens of different Ezines.

Why are Ezine Articles such a powerful promotion

When you get your Article published in an Ezine,you're
basically getting an enormous Ezine Ad for free. But
your Article is much more powerful than an Ezine Ad.


A normal Ad is there simply because someone paid to
have it placed there. But your Article is there
because the Publisher thinks you have valuable
information that will benefit his or her readers. In
other words, you are an expert.

Who would you be more likely to buy from? Someone who
paid to have an Ad inserted, or someone who is an
expert and has just written an Article full ofvaluable

I first discovered the power of Ezine Articles in May
of this year when I wrote an Article titled '10 Tips
For Successful Ezine Advertising'. Two weeks later it
was published in 'WebProNews' (WebProNews, May 15,
2000), which has a circulation of 500,000. I
couldhardly believe it - my Article being read by half
a million people!

Less than 2 weeks later another of my articles ('How
To Get The Most Out of Your Ezines') was published in
the same Newsletter (WebProNews, May 26, 2000).

By the end of that month, traffic to my website had
more than tripled. Suddenly, I was earning a very
respectable income from my affiliate programs.

To fully understand the power of Ezine Articles, let's
put a monetary value on them. At a rough guess, Iwould
say that a well-written Ezine Article has at least
twice the pulling-power of a Top Sponsor Ad.

A Top Sponsor Ad in 'WebProNews' costs $4,000 - so
with those two articles of mine, I got $16,000 worthof
free Ezine Advertising!

Let's compare Ezine Articles with two other,
highly-rated promotion techniques: Search Engine
Listings and Ezine Publishing.

A Search Engine listing is essentially a
'passive'approach to marketing. You still have to wait
for people to search on your keywords. Ezine Articles
are much more 'pro-active'; your articles land right
in the middle of dozens or hundreds of different
Ezines. With Ezine Articles you're not waiting for
people to find you - you're going out there and
finding them.

Let's say you publish an Ezine that has 2 or 3thousand
readers. Each week, your website URL and your name are
going to 2,000 to 3,000 people. Even if your
subscriber-base is growing by 5% per month, basically
you're reaching the same audience each issue.
Butimagine you write an Article that gets published in
30 Ezines that each have a readership of 2000 people.
You've now reached 60,000 people!

The possibilities with Ezine Articles are enormous.

Many people feel unable to write. You may be one of
them. But the fact is, anyone can write an Ezine
Article. You must have seen those 'Tips' Articles that
look like a shopping list of things to do? They're
very popular amongst Ezine Publishers. Every week I
see half-a-dozen of them. So the fact is, if you
canwrite a shopping list, you can write an Ezine

At this point you may be saying to yourself: "But I'm
not an expert - who would be interested in my

The answer is: "Lots of people!".

If you've been running an online business for 6
months, or even just for 3 or 4 months, you now know
many things that you didn't when you first started.
Imagine if you could have had the knowledge you
nowhave when you first began!

So for someone who has just ventured onto the Web,
your experience and knowledge could be extremely
useful. And remember - the Internet is growing so
fast, there are masses of people who know much less
than you do.

More than 5 million Americans joined the online world
in the first three months of 2000, which averages
toroughly 55,000 new users each day, 2,289 new users
each hour, or 38 new users each minute!

So if you learn this technique, there's a huge
marketwaiting for you.

(c) 2000, by Michael Southon

About the Author

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over
3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use
this simple technique to get massive free publicity and
dramatically increase traffic and sales. Click here to find
out more: http://www.ezine-writer.com