Writing Articles Myth-Article Marketing No Longer Works

I have been doing article writing now for about 7 years. In that time I have seen several changes in the article marketing niche. However, one thing that has not changed is the effectiveness of writing and submitting articles.

Although the Internet millions more articles than in 2004 it is still a great way to build an Internet business. This will never change as long as search engines are relying on fresh content to deliver to their searchers.

There are a few things you can do to make your articles more appealing to the search engines and your reader. If you implement a few of the suggestions I list here you will help bust of the myth of whether article writing works or not.

1. Write catchy titles. Your titles must be interesting if you want to get the attention of the reader and the search engines.

You certainly want to include keyword phrases that relate to the theme of your website. This will also be the basis for what your article is about.

A catchy title gives you an advantage over one that is not well written. Scanning article directories and looking for titles that catch your eye is one good idea.

Copy those down and put them in a swipe file. Spend a little bit of time every week re-writing these titles to make them unique.

You will find this is an excellent source of titles for future articles. It will also help you come up with article ideas if you hit a dry spell.

2. Be a problem solver. People still search the Internet looking for answers to problems they have. This gives you an excellent opportunity to write an article that a person would find helpful.

When you submit these kind of articles to article directories they often show up on search engine pages. These articles also become an excellent form of viral marketing as a reader is more apt to refer them to a friend.

3. Write in a conversational tone. I personally like articles that are written as though the author and I are having a conversation. A human element in an article is much more personal and a more enjoyable article to read.

These type of articles give you an excellent opportunity to share your expertise on the topic you are writing about. This is another trick to doing article marketing the correct way.

Over time you begin to brand yourself as an expert on the theme of the niche your articles are in.

Article writing will continue to be a powerful form of marketing for any Internet marketer. It certainly works if you implement these simple suggestions and write and submit a lot of articles online where people can find them online.