Writing Articles That Benefit Readers

Writing articles that are informative is a big first step towards getting people to read them. I did say FIRST step! When you write an article the intention is always to compose something that will benefit the readers. It is all too easy however to get caught up in the writing process and overlook a few key elements of your article. These elements actually have more to do with knowing how to 'communicate' your thoughts than knowing how to write an article. It is almost funny how often we can take something that is relatively simple and make it complicated. The fact is that the most popular articles online are the most that are the easiest to read.

Here are 3 'rules' you want to make an effort to follow to help you consistently produce popular articles for your readers.

Write Simply

Use a style in which ALL readers can understand what the heck it is you are trying to say. By rambling on or using words with which you may be comfortable but the reader is not you can cause confusion or disinterest. Even the best information will be wasted if you write an article that is difficult for readers to understand or follow.

Offer Insight

Do not be afraid to offer your opinion or insight on a particular subject to the reader. Try to remember during the writing process that you want to have a conversation with your readers and voicing your opinion is a natural part of any conversation. Besides most everybody is interested in what others think since this helps them to form their own opinions. In addition your insight and/or opinion can add some 'spice' to what may be an otherwise boring topic.

Aim to Instruct

Try to always teach the reader something new whether it is a skill, resource, style, or technique. Popular articles are so based upon what they offer to the reader and how easy it is for people to understand what the article is trying to convey. If you got a point to make always try to do so as simply and clearly as possible.

When writing articles every author obviously wants to share knowledge, humor or some other type content that readers will appreciate. Good information is obviously important but it needs to be communicated in a way that is appealing to most people. The 3 rules we spoke of above are things to keep in mind during the writing process to help make your article more beneficial to readers and easier to understand.