Writing for the Travel Web

In this modern world, where more and more people can afford international travel, knowledge of the country to be visited is very important.

Thus persons who are knowledgeable about a particular country should try to write interesting articles, outlining not only the attractions of the country, city etc, but also any downfalls, dangers, etc. that people may experience. A bit of honesty goes a long way to prevent unhappy incidents while on holiday! For example, avoid Such-and-such Street as you may be mugged... don't go near Such-and-such Street as this is the red light district, etc.

Let people know what the most important attractions are, giving a little history if possible. Advise them on modes of travel in the particular country - whether it is more convenient to use public transport, or rent a vehicle. If language may be a problem, advise on buying a phrase book for common sayings in that particular country.

Other important things to bear in mind when writing a travel article and submitting to the article web sites:

1. Check your facts: make sure what you are stating in the article is, in fact, true.

2. Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation: there is nothing worse than badly spelled or worded text, especially for webmasters who wish to use your article as content on their websites! If at all worried, or if English is not your home language, have your article proof read by an English speaking person to check whether all is in order.

3. Don't make the article too short, or even too long - an ideal guide is to use between 500-1000 words for a comfortably readable article. If you have a lot to say, maybe split the information over several articles, i.e. part 1, part 2, etc.

4. No plagiarism! i.e. do not copy someone else's work into your article.

5. Web site links: bear in mind that people with similar web sites to your own will want to publish your article as content. Do not pepper your article with several links within the body of the text - this will put people off using the content! They don't particularly want your article to take potential business away from them immediately. Try to use just one link in the resource box, or the "about the author" section at the bottom of your article.

I hope this helps you in producing top quality articles for the travel web.