Writing The Call To Action

The call to action is the universal element in a marketing piece. A call to action may appear several times throughout a piece, but the most important call to action is usually positioned near the end of the marketing copy. As the name suggests, it calls the reader to take an action that is relevant to the information in the piece.

Consequently, the call to action can be considered one of the most significant elements of the marketing copy, because the rest of the copy should be leading up to it and should point in the direction of the next step that the reader should take.

The call to action may be worded a variety of different ways, but the real key to an effective call to action is immediacy and simplicity: let the reader know what he or she should do next, without multiple steps and without any confusion. Calls to action tend to be short and to the point.

An effective call to action should include two parts. One part should indicate whom the reader should contact