Writing Tips - The 4 Traits of Successful Children's Book Writers

My son's been taking karate for 4 years, and every time he tests for the next rank (he's up to his brown now), fewer kids who started with him as white belts test alongside him. It's not that Matt's necessarily a better athlete than they are, but karate is more important to him. He likes learning the forms, and he enjoys surviving a two hour, physically grueling test knowing that most of his friends would have been flattened in the first 20 minutes. When aspiring writers start identifying themselves as authors, just as Matt sees himself as a martial artist, they've taken that first big step toward success.

But there's a difference between wanting to see your name on a book, and wanting a career as a children's book author. Anyone with a few bucks can publish their own story, and many books are perfectly suited to be self-published titles given to family and friends. The career mentality, however, is more complex. Check out some common characteristics below and see how you measure up:

Humility: When I get emails from people saying, "I'm going to be the next Dr. Seuss," I cringe. Confidence is fine, but don't compare yourself to someone like Dr. Seuss right out of the gate. In fact, don't compare yourself to anyone. Work on finding your own style and voice. And know that you don't have to become a literary institution to be a success. Learning to write well is a lifelong process, and the writers who get published understand that each manuscript, whether it sells or not, teaches them something. They're not afraid to be critiqued or edited. They've put their heart into a book or article, and then removed their ego. They understand that if their critique group or editor says a plot is too predictable, it's far better to chuck the storyline and start over than to fight to preserve a mediocre manuscript. And they're grateful for the input that saved them from dozens of rejection letters.

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