Writing with a Mix of Purpose and Creativity

Writing with an initial key purpose in mind is the key to the actual quality of the text created. If you are not following through with your true intention for writing it becomes simply a bunch of words on a piece of paper. If the outcome is to be creative from a descriptive standpoint then the writing takes on a different tone, as it true with a fictitious piece. What's the sense is writing at all if you are not fulfilling the intended outcome at the end of the writing process.

There are many of us out there in the literary world that simply just love to write for the sake of writing itself. It doesn't matter that much what the topic is, as adjustments are made to accommodate the particular message provided to the reader. Therefore, the great aspect about a career in writing is that you always have a new avenue to approach if you were unsuccessful in the last one. Obviously, the easiest topics to write about are the areas of your deepest personal interest. This is because you have an emotional tie to the subject matter. This allows your personal passion to be transcended from visual thought patterns to auditory messages in the story or article you are presenting.

Prolific writers typically visualize their story before a single word is written. This gives the author a clear picture of what is to be transcribed into word format. As a writer begins a journey into the deeper realms of the subconscious mind illusions bubble up in the form of images that can be easily formatted into words. Then a basic outline is produced from this initial vision and finally a blueprint to set the actual tone of the literary work. This is when the descriptive writer really starts to get excited about the way the story will unfold. This may even happen in abstract form, such that it may not make sense to anyone other than the author during the initial stage of the planning process. Then eventually the blueprint is organized into a flow path with attention on the points to be made in the story.

Once an author has the blueprint formulated the real fun begins. To me this is the most intriguing part of the whole writing process; it's the time when all the creative juices flow, a time to fill in the blanks between the initial conceptual visual messages. Where these filler words come from is way beyond my level of conscious understanding