950 articles on "about"

Teaching Your Child To Be Respectful

Respect for others is based on self-respect and is summed up in the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would haveothers do unto you. It is the value that makes the world a more decent and civilized place. People show respect inmany ways. They speak a...

Family  family respect child conflict about
Make money online from your educational skills

How many times do you find you are having to create worksheets, or resources and then they just remain on your own computer, or in a resource source for your own school?A few years ago a friend and I were chatting about this and came to a great idea....

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation resources sites about
How to Transplant Irises

In my experience, irises are among the easiest flowers to transplant.One spring many years ago, an older friend of mine dug up an iris bed at her home. They were bearded irises a lovely shade of lilac purple and she moved some of them to a differen...

Home Improvement  home improvement irises roots years about
Saying NO to Good Opportunities!

ng NO to Good Opportunities! by: Kimberly Stevens Tracey started her video production company 2 ½ years ago, and after struggling through the start-up phase, she was finally reaping the fruits of her labor. When we talked, it was clear th...

Business And Finance  business finance bigger didnt work about
Web Legalities Copyright

Important: This article contains opinions and information about copyrightlaw. Keep in mind that I am not a lawyer and have not been a lawyer in anypast life that I am aware of. If you have specific questions about copyrightlaw you should contact the ...

Writing  writing copyright permission about
The Four Laws Of Leadership Part Two

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publis...

Business And Finance  business finance people motivation leadership action about
Do You Really Need a Friend Quiz To Tell If Someone Is Your Friend?

Q. I took a friend quiz in a magazine and it says that I dont make a very good friend. Can that really be true? A. First, let me say congratulations! If the quiz said that you dont make a very good friend then you must have answered the quiz honestly...

Kids And Teens  kids teens friend quiz aboute
Weddings of Las Vegas - For a Unique Wedding

Just when you thought it would never happen—it did! Not for the fainthearted, Gothic Weddings offers an unusual twist on an ageless service. Now you and your dearly beloved can tie the knot in this intriguing las Vegas chapel buried in the underwor...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure wedding vegas chapel about
Raising Meat Goats - How To Begin Keeping Meat Goats Correctly If You Do Not Have Enought Experience

If you are planning to start raising meat goats, but are just having doubts because you do not have enough experience about it, this article will try to give you some information that you can surely use in the process. One of the best methods that yo...

Pets And Animals  pets animals goats raising meat about
Are You A Golf Addict?

Are you like me in checking the weather forecast every day, in an attempt to work out whether you are going to be able to get out onto the golf course or not? I managed to play four times last week which was just fantastic, after almost two solid wee...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports shot golf mental focus about