950 articles on "about"

4 Simple Steps to Reduce Your Taxes

With Tax Season upon us, here are 4 simple steps to lower your tax bill this year.STEP #1: Understand How Serious Your Tax Problem IsAre you aware of just how much in taxes you are paying? Here's how much the average family spends on various con...

Business And Finance  business finance taxes year about

So you know what hits mean. Unique hits or user sessions,I mean. And you know what CR means. Right? If so, you're ingreat shape, for many people don't. They think they do. But they've got it wrong.You see a single hit is invaluable. It...

Web Development  development visitors hits about
How to Preserve Your Family History by Writing Family Stories

"Everyone has a story to tell." It seems like a cliche—but it's true. After working as a newspaper reporter for more than eight years, I know that everyone does, indeed, have a story to tell.But even before I started working as a journalist, I...

Writing  writing stories school interview about
The Great Opportunity

I assume you want to be happier. Searching for greater happiness is a wonderful thing whatever level of happiness you are currently at. It could be that you are already enjoying life and just searching for a new idea, or it could be that you have fel...

Health  health life relationship opportunity about
Science Fiction Movie Reviews

Nothing beats a Friday night at home, snuggled up on a coach with a bowl of popcorn watching Science Fiction Movies. Stop at your local video store and find a science fiction movie sure to get you thinking about what could have been or what might be....

Music And Entertainment  music entertainment fiction about
Do You Really Need PR?

Do You Really Need PR? by: Robert A. Kelly The right kind of PR, that is, the kind that puts you in charge of the care and feeding of a lot of people who play a major role in just how successful a manager you’re going to be? As that manager, ...

Business And Finance  business finance public relations audience about
Personal Training: 6 Secrets Of Award Winning Customer Service

Personal Training: 6 Secrets Of Award Winning Customer Service by: Aaron Potts Would you believe that your ability to provide quality customer service to your clients is at least as important as your ability to get them results from their traini...

Health  health clients about
Common Website Mistakes

Common Website Mistakes by: Tony Valle Is your website ailing? It used to be that simply having a website meant that your organization was ahead of the curve. Those days are long gone. Today more that ever, organizations need to fuel business an...

Web Development  development organization about
Firefox - the future of browsing

A lot of the work I do at AntBiz Consulting involves wandering around the web in search for new ideas for web promotion and web design.I accidentally went today to this website: www.SpreadFirefox.comYes, I did get there by accident (seen a button on ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet firefox windows about
The Self-Care Minder - Doing What You Love

Can I tell you, frankly, how sick I am of the story that because we do what we love, we should always be jubilant, light hearted, blissed out, can't-wait-to-get-out-of-bed every-bloody-morning happy and content? Have you ever fell into this beli...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation iaposm learning about