950 articles on "about"

Are You Stuck? Consider Changing Your Focus!

Are You Stuck? Consider Changing Your Focus! by: Gene Simmons If you sometimes feel as though you’re caught in life’s quicksand, you have a lot of company. We work, we struggle, we try to do everything we possibly can to move on to a higher ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation work about
Evaluating Your Customer

Evaluating Your Customer by: Jay Conners It is one thing to make a sales presentation, but it is another thing to make a sales presentation without first evaluating your customer. For all you know, you could be selling your customer something th...

Marketing  marketing customer about
Teach Kids About Money For The Future

If you are going to teach kids about money you must first realize that this is going to be important to how they choose to look at money in the future. Basically how they are able to learn now is how they will work with money when they are adults. So...

Parenting  parenting money kids about
The Writing Journey: Transforming Lives

When I was growing up, my parents took an annual two-week camping trip that took us to many places in the U.S. and Canada. They'd pack the car with all the equipment, clothes, and food for them and their brood of five kids. Eventually the family...

Writing  writing book about
Helping a Friend Through a Miscarriage

Helping a Friend Through a Miscarriage by: Patty Hone When you have a friend that has had a miscarriage there is a lot you can do to help her. Many times we are afraid to say anything because we don’t want to say the wrong thing but not saying...

Family  family things about
SMS for the estate agent - Targeted marketing tool, or Legal Minefield?

SMS for the estate agent - Targeted marketing tool, or Legal Minefield? by: Ken Norbury Imagine having at your disposal a means to immediately inform house buyers that you have just the property they are looking for. Potential buyers have given ...

Marketing  marketing services about
Customer Service Is King

Customer Service Is King - by Michael AmbrosioDo you know the one thing that can make or break your businessfaster than anything else?If you said Customer Service - give yourself a prize.For the past 15 years, my job has been customer service orient...

Business And Finance  business finance customer service customers about
It's Not The Traffic You Get - It's The Customers You Keep!

There are a lot of offers online, hyping the ability to deliver thousands of hits to your web site. For a price.True, the Internet is a numbers game. What these services are implying is that the more people you can expose to your message, the more sa...

Online Business  online business customer about
'Must Haves' for ANY Business – The 2005 List

'Must Haves' for ANY Business – The 2005 List by: Scott Jason As a business consultant I get the opportunity meet hundreds of professionals in every imaginable business each year. And time and experience have taught me one thing – ...

Business And Finance  business finance plan about
Growing your Product with the Customer in Mind

In so much as your customer determines which products you sell, they also determine which enhancements you provide through what they choose to buy. If certain aspects of your product do not provide the benefits customers want, they will stops purchas...

Business And Finance  business finance product customer customers about