129 articles on "acne"

10 Acne Truths and Myths You Need To Know!

Reports show that over 90 percent of all adolescents and almost 25 percent of all adults are acne sufferers. And although acne affects about 50 percent of all adult women, acne does affect males and females worldwide, regardless of nationality.This a...

Health  health acne myth other
Acne Program - Step 7 Fruits You Should Eat

Acne Program - Step 7 Fruits You Should Eat by: Rudy Silva Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve you skin health and help to prevent acne. Here are the fruits you should be eating. Apples - eat 3 - 4 apples a day whil...

Health  health skin acne constipation minerals
Oh, no! I Have Backne! The continuing mystery behind back acne.

“Backne” is street slang for back acne. And while the contraction’s definite origin is unknown, it can be said that it comes from the fact that nearly everyone in the world has, at one point in his or her life, experienced having back acne. Ind...

Health  health acne glands skin been
When To Get An Acne Prescription

Acne is a common problem, that many boys and girls face while going through puberty. During puberty, the body experiences many changes. One of them is the wild and exasperating increase of hormones and may result in your needing an acne prescription....

Kids And Teens  kids teens acne puberty result hormones
All Natural Acne Treatments

All Natural Acne Treatments by: MD Stacener At some point in your life you will probably suffer from acne. Almost everyone does. There has been a great deal of news about acne treatments recently with many claiming a combination of an acne preve...

Health  health acne skin there
Acne Treatments For Teenagers

The Teenagers' Guide on Treating Acne Acne is truly one of the big problems faced and most feared by teenagers anywhere around the globe. To some, it is a nightmare to have acne that truly gives very unfavorable effects. It surely lowers a pers...

Kids And Teens  kids teens acne teenagers treatment
Debunking the Myths Concerning Acne and Skin Problems

Debunking the Myths Concerning Acne and Skin Problems by: Dennis Becker Isn't skin a wonderful thing to have? An obvious benefit of skin is that it protects our bodies' internal organs from harmful elements like dirt, insects, bites, t...

Health  health acne skin face would
Acne, Women, Hormones and Polycystic Ovary Disease

More frequently women are combating acne and wrinkles simultaneously. It’s a hideous fight wrought with mysterious hormone signals and an even more baffling search for a cure.Dermatologist Diane Thiboutot, MD, associate professor of medicine at the...

Women  women acne hormone therapy hormones such
How to Get Rid of Acne: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Get Rid of Acne: A Step-By-Step Tutorial by: Ryan Bauer To get rid of acne, you have to understand what causes it in the first place. All in all, the formation of acne pimples a pretty complicated process that even scientists and dermatol...

Health  health skin acne bacteria from
Acne Clear Light Treatment - New Way to Treat Acne

Acne is an infection that shows rashes and pimples on your face. There can be more ugly marks to make you feel uncomfortable and shameful. This may sound very unpleasant and discouraging to many people who are infected. There is a new therapy known a...

Health  health acne treatment light therapy