1,679 articles on "article"

Focus Your Web Site... Or Get Out Of Business

Last November, I was jumping up and down absolutely excitedabout my new idea. I was going to create a web site filledwith articles, links and resources on just about any topicyou could imagine. This way no matter who finds my site andfor whatever rea...

Web Development  development visitors articles right page
A Visit Isn't REALLY a Visit if Your Company Leaves on the Porch

What good is your website traffic if your visitors are leaving at the home page? You don't want visitors ON your site, you want 'em IN your site. Use these five painless ideas for getting visitorsINTO your site.1. Establish your site's...

Web Development  development article visitors want
Most Colleges Require Letters Of Recommendation

I cannot overemphasize the importance of developing strong relationships with high school teachers and counselors as early as possible. An extremely well written, all-telling letter can absolutely make the difference of being accepted or rejected to ...

College Articles  college articles students lors student
Gap Year – Taking Off A Year

What is a “Gap Year?” Actually, it’s the new term for taking off a year after high school but before college. Sound fun? Not if you think it’s for slackers.A gap year is intended to help kids get a better grasp on the real world after high sc...

College Articles  college articles year students school kids
Submit An Article Search Engines Love

When you submit an article online in hopes of driving traffic to your website and/or blog you want to make it as seo friendly as possible! The reason for this is simple, although people will likely view what you wrote at the article directories you a...

Writing  writing search article traffic keywords
5 Tips On How To Write Better Articles

There are many reasons people write articles and put them on the Internet. Ultimately the most common one is to get more traffic to their website. One important fact is the articles you write should impress your readers. In this article we will take ...

Writing  writing articles article write read
Article Distribution - Reasons It Is Wise To Submit To Article Directories

Article distribution should be used by all business owners to help let people know about your business. There are some main reasons why you would be smart to submit to article directories. Understanding these reasons will let you see just how wise y...

Online Business  online business articles article traffic site
Article Ghost Writing From A Fresh Perspective

Over the last several months, I have come to realize the importance of article writing as it relates to website content either in the product or service area. Content for websites has become an integral part of the internet industry. It is estimated ...

Writing  writing content article writer service product
Five Simple Ways To Boost Your Article Writing Confidence

Whether you're building a career as a freelance writer or simply writing articles to promote your website or products, having confidence in your writing ability is a key to being successful. But what if you don't see yourself as a great wri...

Writing  writing articles people donapost write youaposre
Not Common But Effective Free Marketing

Not Common But Effective Free Marketing by: Tracy FinneyWe all know the many "free" traffic producing avenues. We all know about free classified ads, traffic exchanges, web site submitters, banner exchanges, link exchanges, but how many of you h...

Marketing  marketing article write will