75 articles on "assets"

Increasing Numbers Caught by IHT

The number of estates paying inheritance tax (IHT) has risen by two-thirds over the past five years, according to The National Audit Office. They say that the Inland Revenue raised £2.5bn last year from the 300,000 estates that paid IHT.Many pe...

Business And Finance  business finance assets estate gifts

Sound financial business planning means taking ongoing assessment steps looking at the business from multiple perspectives including capitalization, expansion, menu concepts, cash flow and even an exit strategy. Whether you are a chef dreaming of you...

Business And Finance  business finance value cash flow market assets
Globalize to Survive

Globalize to SurviveByWilliam CatePublished September 2004[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/][http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]Civilization in the 21st century is in serious trouble. Moder...

Business And Finance  business finance government economic rights assets
Wealthy people became rich thanks to their assets

What is an asset ? An asset is simply something that brings money into your pocket.Liability is the opposite. It is something that takes money out of your pocket.Personal loan is a liability, your credit cards debt are liabilities. Your car, your eve...

Business And Finance  business finance asset assets money
Cashing Out ... What Is Your Business REALLY Worth

Question: What is your business REALLY worth? Answer: Whatever someone else is willing to pay for it at the time.That's a true statement as far as it goes but it doesn't take into account that the way you arrive at a value for your business...

Business And Finance  business finance value method assets cash used