440 articles on "blog"

Creating A Blog That Has Personality

When creating a blog you generally want to give it some personality. Most popular blogs display a certain style or attitude in the way they deliver their updates which makes them more distinctive within their own niche. Another advantage is that in m...

Writing  writing platform blogging blog make
ABC's of Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a perceived transition of the Web to web-based applications. Web 2.0 is the next generation of technology solutions where interactive content is the norm. There is no agreement on exactly what Web 2.0 means. Depending on who you are speak...

Computers And Internet  computers internet content podcasting blogs
Should Bloggers be Helping Google Fix Their PageRank System

By now, most bloggers have heard the announcement that the Big 3 search engines - Google, Yahoo, and MSN - have united in support of a new tag that will supposedly combat comment spam. The new tag is a nofollow attribute that can be added to links. W...

Online Business  online business bloggers comment blog spam
Successful Link Building Tips for Your Internet Business

If you were to ask an expert internet marketer where they get all their traffic that seems ready to buy the moment they get there, they'd tell you that they rely on the search engines. If you hope to beat out all the other sites on the engines, ...

Site Promotion  site promotion backlinks blog link
Creating a Blog 'People' Enjoy!

When creating a blog you want to keep in mind that your intentions are to attract readers and then give them reason to return. It all starts with the need to generate traffic, but once the first visitor shows up your concerns should now be twofold. O...

Online Business  online business blog traffic loyalty visitors blogging
The Origins of Your Blog Success

Blog success originates not from the fancy layouts or nifty widgets but rather from the unique content found on the blogging platform! If what the site administrator offers viewers continues to be interesting and relevant reading material people will...

Writing  writing platform blogging theme when
Blogs Why Publish Journals on the Net

Why journal writing on the Web? Blogs are journals giving anyone an identity, and an awesome forum for sharing thoughts and ideas with others of similar interests.Journal writing used to be a private, personal experience done late at night, scribblin...

Computers And Internet  computers internet journal sharing thoughts ideas blogs
BLOGS! What They Are... And WHY They're Becoming A POWER TOOL For Internet Marketers

BLOGS! What a crazy name for the "NEWEST" Internetmarketing trend to hit the Internet.But, I like it.It makes this new form of communication kind of mysteriousin a way, though, BLOGS have been around for quite sometime and only recently have been rec...

Marketing  marketing blog andor website
The powerful software Auto Blogging

The software, called " The most powerful car Blogging Software , is a software that has lived up to its name, so that the dream of many bloggers to create and manage multiple blogs true. Blogs are no longer used as personal diaries. now serve as a ve...

Online Business  online business software content blogs blog powerful
Essential Ways To Profit From Your Blog

Most bloggers create and maintain a blog for the purpose of making money, although some people do it for pleasure or to keep in touch with friends and family. However, the vast majority of bloggers set out with the intention to make a profit. Fortuna...

Online Business  online business blog profit advertising bloggers