18,592 articles on "busine"

Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing by: Rajitha Dahanayake What is Viral Marketing? “Viral marketing is word of mouth marketing on the web. In other words it is the “e” term for word of mouth marketing.” Viral marketing was born in 1996. Viral marketing mes...

Online Business  online business marketing viral service message based spread
The Undeniable Value Of Differentiation

The Undeniable Value Of Differentiation by: Karl Augustine With all the people offering products and services online, what sets yours apart from the crowd? You can't argue this, to succeed you need to differentiate yourself. Online business...

Online Business  online business product offering differentiator prospect didnapost
How Well Do You Speak

Publishing Guidelines: You are welcome to publish this article in its entirety, electronically, or in print freeof charge, as long as you include my full signature file for ezines, and my Web site address(http://www.schrift.com)in hyperlink for other...

Business And Finance  business finance audience sandraschriftcom speaking sandra
Building Win-Win Alliances

Many professionals suspect there must be a more efficient way to attract customers. They wonder, "How can I shift from gathering one business card at a time to gathering thousands of customers through one initiative?"Business strategist Debra Valle (...

Business And Finance  business finance time gathering customers mentalities challenges readers abandon
Win The Confidence Game

This article may be published electronically in either your ezine or website under the provision that all copyright, contact and link information is kept in tact. We would appreciate receiving a copy for our Publishers Directory. Thank You.Word count...

Business And Finance  business finance heroes confidence integrity game selling
SWOT Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

When conducting strategic planning for any company - online and/or offline - it is useful to complete an analysis that takes into account not only your own business, but your competitor's businesses and the current business environment as well. ...

Business And Finance  business finance swot analysis company competitors
The Franchise Alternative

ANY new business involves risk. The proportion of newbusinesses that fail within their first two years ofoperation is much higher than those that succeed. Whetheryou can afford the risk of your business failing dependson your own individual circumsta...

Business And Finance  business finance franchise franchisor system franchisees
Embellished Resumes - A Real Problem

Take the jobseeker in Alabama who, knowing that his IQ was far above average and that in the course of his life had learned valuable skills allowing him to function at a very high level, embellished his resume by adding a doctorate that he had never ...

Business And Finance  business finance resume work credentials employers
“In Stock Trading, a Candle Is Better Than a Bar Any Day”

There are various ways that stock prices are represented on charts. The most common charts are what are known as:• line• bar• candlestick.Line charts are what you typically see on the TV or in newspapers. They represent price action by a single...

Business And Finance  business finance charts stock prices first
Lean e-Kanban Breeding Proactive Suppliers

Breeding proactive suppliers - According to Sam Bayer, President of Datacraft Solutions (www.datacraftsolutions.com). “Kanban implies partnership. Both parties have a responsibility to share information and strive towards process improvement. Sound...

Business And Finance  business finance suppliers kanban datacraft solutions time bayer president