The United Kingdom-based Institute of Personnel and Development recently released a study showing that investing in people rather than technology makes a far greater contribution to an organization’s bottom line. The seven-year study of more than 1...
Business And Finance business finance percent employees people contribution employee difference engagement technologyTo many...thoughts of a midlife career change begin to loom constantly in their mind when they're at or around the age of forty. 'Something' happens when they are at this half-way point in their life.What about you? Have you arrived at...
Business And Finance business finance career change midlife life parallelThis article is based on the following 2 assumptions:1) You are a small business owner or self-employed person(including home-based businesses and part-timeentrepreneurial activities).2) You don't like to pay taxes. In fact, whenever you thinkab...
Business And Finance business finance taxes reduction myth justHiring someone new to work in your business is one of the most critical decisions a business owner makes, although it is not always given the justice it deserves. If a position is vacant, or additional staff is needed, recruitment decisions are often...
Business And Finance business finance process recruitment hiring applicants costs skillsThere are various ways that stock prices are represented on charts. The most common charts are what are known as:• line• bar• candlestick.Line charts are what you typically see on the TV or in newspapers. They represent price action by a single...
Business And Finance business finance charts stock prices firstThe two chain restaurants my wife and I like best are Chili’s and Macaroni Grill. All the meals we’ve eaten at both places were bursting with excellent flavors. We’ll go back to both.But we had an experience at Chili’s recently that marred ou...
Food And Drink food drink cards chilis businesses macaroni grill wellPERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publis...
Business And Finance business finance plan poor improvement performers screwsMost culinary colleges and cooking schools nationwide report that an increasing number of students are older adults with prior careers. Whether fulfilling lifelong dreams or trying something different, the old students are attracted to the wide varie...
Business And Finance business finance students cooking culinary older restaurant career changersClosing the Gap On Your Career Goals by: Shannon Bradford If you still picture a steady progression up the ladder when you think of your career goals, it is time to shift your thinking. For most people, climbing the career ladder is no longer an...
Business And Finance business finance skills career experiences future columnHow To Stay Motivated After Work At Home Failures by: Khemal Dole Let's face it, we've all been through failure. Be it online or offline, we've experienced it in some form or the other. Failure is specially hard when it's you...
Business And Finance business finance time failureself goals failed work