18,591 articles on "business"

Business Partners & Marital Partners, Will the Marriage Survive? (Part I)

Part I: Introduction Marriages and business partnerships have always been intertwined throughout history. Both require trust, communication, and commitment to thrive. However, when business partners are also married to each other, the dynamics can b...

Family  family business both
Sex in Advertising: Does it Sell?

Sex in Advertising: Does it Sell? by: Mark Levit We're surrounded by advertisements that desperately compete for our attention. Everywhere we look, we find ourselves inevitably drawn to images of scantily clad attractive men and women that ...

Business And Finance  business finance attention heineken content brand advertising
Merchant Accounts - How to save money

Merchant Accounts - How to save money by: Ben Cloutier Your business is successful, but now your ready to take it to the next level and begin accepting credit card transactions, or you have already taken this step but your feeling that your merc...

Business And Finance  business finance merchant account fees provider providers
Cross Cultural Communication Consultants

Cross Cultural Communication Consultants by: Neil Payne Cross cultural communication consultants have come a long way in the short period of time such specialists have been in demand. No longer are they expatriates with a few years overseas expe...

Business And Finance  business finance cultural cross knowledge different will
How To Stop Junk Faxes From Wasting Your Paper and Toner

How To Stop Junk Faxes From Wasting Your Paper and Toner by: Barry Waxler Junk faxes waste the resources of every business. It is estimated that they cost businesses tens of millions of dollars a year in wasted paper, toner and fax machine maint...

Business And Finance  business finance faxes junk email unified messaging number
Foolproof Customer Service Strategies (that only a fool would try!)

Foolproof Customer Service Strategies (that only a fool would try!) by: David Leonhardt Ever notice how customer service varies from store to store? You walk into some stores, and before you can say "Buzz off!" a salesperson asks "May I help you...

Business And Finance  business finance customer pest control help
Top eBay Affiliate Paid 1.2 Million in December

REQUIREMENTS FOR REPRINT: You have permission to publish this article free of charge in your ezine, newsletter, ebook, print publication or on your Website ONLY if it remains unchanged and you include the copyright, author information, and an active...

Online Business  online business ebay google adwords generate affiliate cash
Refresh Your Chances Of Collecting That ClickBank Commission ...

ClickBank has long been considered a simple, cost effective way topromote digital products Online.Would be merchants are charged a one time, relatively small start up fee,which will enable them to use ClickBank' secure payment processingservices...

Online Business  online business affiliate clickbank promote
TR Cutler to Continue Industrial Connection Case Study Profiles of Southeastern U.S. Manufacturers

Ranked as the nation’s leading manufacturing journalist and an editor, TR Cutler (www.trcutlerinc.com) tells the extraordinary stories of manufacturers. According to Cutler, “There are great companies making great products. There are too many man...

Business And Finance  business finance manufacturing cutler manufacturers media sector industrial
Intro to the Traffic Exchanges

Intro to the Traffic Exchanges by: Brennan Howe Even if you've been marketing on the internet for only a very short time you've no doubt come accross 'traffic exchanges'. The number of exchanges out there is staggering, so if...

Online Business  online business exchanges credits traffic credit