18,591 articles on "business"

4 Simple Steps to Increase Your Wealth

4 Simple Steps to Increase Your WealthCopyright © Kevin Purfield1. Believe you can Before anything happens there is first a thought. Nature does not give the ability to conceive an idea without the ability to create it.Believing you can do anyth...

Business And Finance  business finance people income assets residual
The Dire Need For Online Credibility; Is It All Smoke And Mirrors

Yes and no.With any business, credibility is a key element to building trust which should ultimately lead to making a sale. This is never truer than in Internet marketing for these reasons:People don't want to be sold to, they want information.P...

Online Business  online business product credibility quality internet seller testimonials
Creating an Effective Pay-Per-Click Campaign

Optimizing your website for the 'traditional' search engines can be a daunting task, and one that many people are either unable or unwilling to attempt. Fortunately, pay-per-click search engines (PPC SEs) allow us to specify exactly what ke...

Online Business  online business search link position clicks traffic
Internet Marketing and Public Speaking. The Murder Board Practice

Copyright 2005 Larry TracyI recently posted an article titled “Internet Marketing and Public Speaking: Ten Tips for When the Twain Shall Meet.” One of the tips concerned a means to practice your sales presentation with a “Murder Board.” I rec...

Online Business  online business murder board questions presentation practice
How Futures Contracts Give You Powerful Trading Advantages

There is a great deal of misunderstanding in the general populace about futures trading. Those who know about futures trading are in an excellent position to reap tremendous returns, while those who are under misleading information miss out on this ...

Business And Finance  business finance futures gold trading price markets commodity
Easy Ways To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

Its no surprise that thousands of Americans are victimizedby identity theft each year. What are we actually doing toprotect ourselves from identity theft? Many of us dont think about it and some may not even knowwhat it is. The fact is it happens. Id...

Business And Finance  business finance identity credit theft confidential most
Quick Home Loan with Quicken - the Experts in Home Finance

Quicken Loans specializes in providing home finance products, and offers a quick, streamlined application and approval process with minimum paperwork, along with personalized expert advice on choosing the right type of loan. Applications can be made ...

Business And Finance  business finance loan interest rate loans offers adjustable
What is the Cost of College Tuition?

What is the Cost of College Tuition? by: Michael Carter What is the average cost of college tuition? This is one question that most parents and future students ask themselves and need to know in order to plan for a college education. The nationa...

Business And Finance  business finance tuition college year students rates average increase many
Work Ethics - A Paradigm Shift

Work Ethics - A Paradigm Shift by: Leanne Hoagland-Smith Work ethics is a hot topic in today’s business and educational worlds. Yet, how do we define this hybrid phrase with the word work meaning more than a specific outcome and the word ethic...

Business And Finance  business finance work outcomes contributors expectations performance
Raising Goats For Meat - What Constructs A Profitable Goat Farming Business?

Raising goat is considered the most profitable. What makes a profitable goat farming business? However, milk production and hide brings in huge profits as well. Goat farming isn't that hard, even if you are just starting out in the business. Mos...

Pets And Animals  pets animals goat profitable farming business area