Having your own business is very exciting when you get started, but you may find that some of that excitement and enthusiasm can fade over time. When you are running your own home business, you are the person who is responsible for rekindling that en...
Business And Finance business finance control outside enthusiasm eventsThe world is changing rapidly, and so are people’s needs. In the past, the industrial revolution transformed our economies, and we entered into a consumerist era where everyone wanted to own the same products. But now, we are entering into a new ph...
Business And Finance business finance laser manufacturing mass toolsGovernment Buying And Selling On The Internet by: Christina DeMers Global Insight, a leading economic and financial forecasting company, (formerly DRI-WEFA), states that all levels of government (federal, state, and local) should see steady incr...
Business And Finance business finance government procurement agencies vendorsProjects and Operations: An Amicable Separation by: Stephen Hay Introduction Projects and Operations are quite distinct sets of activities that, when mixed, can cause unnecessary havoc with the management of each. They have different resourcing ...
Business And Finance business finance activities projects change operational operations project theyManagement Wants Faster Implementation Of New Organizational Strategy. (Part II.) by: Mike Hayden This week, I will continue the discussion from last week's PVT, where we discussed four steps to introduce a new strategy. (http://www.SeniorM...
Business And Finance business finance date reorganization changeover announcementOrthodox Jew Next Oil Baron? by: Howard Bloomberg H. Sam Hyams, a Toronto businessman and Orthodox Jew, is on his way to becoming a major player in the world oil markets with his company Strat Petroleum, Ltd. A well respected businessman in Cana...
Business And Finance business finance hyams company sale investment refined financingCosmic Relief by: Marilyn Jenett The Universe Revealed The Universe as we know it, see it and experience it, is not all there is. The Universe is always in motion - it is a vibrating, pulsating, resonating, magnetizing force and at the molecula...
Business And Finance business finance subconscious universe thought lawsRules for Simplified Employee Pension Plans better known as a SEP Plans by: Daniel Lamaute A SEP is a special type of IRA. Under a SEP plan the employer creates an IRA account for each eligible employee, hence the name SEP-IRA. A SEP is funded s...
Business And Finance business finance employees solo plan employee contributionsThe 99 Percent Rule by: Greg Reid It's Friday night, you're sitting at a restaurant, and as your meal arrives, the server says, "Now, don't touch that plate. It's hot." What's the first thing you do? Well, 99% of the tim...
Business And Finance business finance donapost trying itaposs theyaposreResolving Workplace Conflict: 4 Ways to a Win-Win Solution by: Dr. Tony FioreThe effects of conflict in the workplace are widespread and costly. Its prevalence, as indicated by three serious studies, shows that 24-60% of management time and ener...
Business And Finance business finance employees conflict workplace there