It's no surprise that thousands of Americans are victimized by identity theft each year. What are we actually doing to protect ourselves from identity theft? Many of us don't think about it and some may not even know what it is. The fact is...
Business And Finance business finance identity credit theft confidential victimAs the holiday season approaches, many thoughts turn to helping those less fortunate. In fact, surveys have indicated that over 50 percent of all donations to charity are made between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's important, however, that you...
Business And Finance business finance charity charities giving itaposs makeOne of the most important things to remember to have a successful home party is to make sure your Hostess is prepared. Well preparedness of your hostess is essential in having your home party run smoothly. The following tips will help your next home ...
Business And Finance business finance hostess sure party makeWhat are Blogs? Having heard the term previously but not having paid muchattention most are just to afraid to show their ignoranceand ask the question, what is a blog? Lets face it; theterm blog does not conjure pleasant images. Blogs are web logs th...
Computers And Internet computers internet blog blogs content business blogging dailyChange and the Cycle of SpecializationRobert E. Cannonwww.cannonadvantage.comGuide for Visionary Leaders and Business Decision-makers. – In the January issue of Taking Aim, I reported on the book Margin. That book triggered some thoughts that had b...
Business And Finance business finance specialization talent cycle yearsReferral marketing is one of the most effective techniquesfor creating steady streams of prospects and clients.Anyone who has been in business for any length of time haslearned to appreciate the value of getting referrals due tothese important reason...
Marketing marketing referral business referrals clientsAt Stock Photos site, or Gallery photo royalty free you can license and download photos and several images. You can use photos and illustrations to create powerful marketing messages for your websites, brochures, presentations and others purposes. So...
Business And Finance business finance images allow photos royalty sites image others1. Front PageMake it brief and quick loading. Avoid large graphics, fancyFlash movies and hefty Javascripts. Have a sharp marketing focus.Display your most important marketing information on your frontpage. Avoid filling it with tons of details or hy...
Web Development development business navigational links theyDo you know that there is a marketing revolution happening online this very moment?Before that, let's go back in time and take a look at the major revolution or 'waves' that has occured when the Internet became a business or marketplac...
Business And Finance business finance blogs marketing revolution whichAverage Nutritional Content of Rabbit meat is: Calories – 300g (18% from Fat, 82% form protein & 0% from Carbohydrate); Total Fat – 4.1g (2.3g Lipid Fat, 0.7g Saturated Fat, 0.6g Monosaturated Fat, 0.4g polysaturated Fat & 86mg Cholesterol; Sodiu...
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