584 articles on "chang"


One way I measure someone’s ability to change is whether she asks herself “What’s the lesson here?” at the end of an experience. When you believe that situations lead to lessons, you look for insights. This question insures you are open to ne...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation changeself life
There is Attitude and Attitude

Attitude has a lot to do with how our life goes. We win the lottery and we are happy or we lose our jobs and we are angry. However does it have to be that way we can decide how to feel about anything thathappens it all depends on your attitude. You a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation attitude life work change

Change by: Marsha Maung Those of you, who can fathom yourselves welcoming and enjoying a big, major change in your life right now, raise your hands! When I say, change, it might be a good change and it might be a bad change. Either way, we all d...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation change life book husband kids
Frugal Freedom

That most of us are considered poor is no disgrace, but does us credit; for, as the mind is weakened by luxurious living, so it is strengthened by a frugal life.(Minucius Felix, 3rd century A.D.)People who live a frugal lifestyle often live with less...

Business And Finance  business finance money peace mind change control
The Usefullness f Traffic Exchanges

Traffic exchanges... that eternal clicking and surfing, has for a long time interested me.I never quite understood why they were supposed to work in the first place, given the greed and selfishness of people in general.The premise is that you earn vi...

Online Business  online business traffic exchanges time
The Advantages of Having Your BMW Serviced Properly

In spite of the fact that having your BMW serviced properly can extend the life of the vehicle and help to keep it's resale value up, many people simply fail to do so. Then there are the owners and you may be one of them, who fail to recognize t...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks fluid change vehicle gear every
Microsoft CRM Development: SDK, C#, SQL, Exchange, Integration, Crystal Reports overview for programmer

Microsoft CRM Development: SDK, C#, SQL, Exchange, Integration, Crystal Reports overview for programmer by: Andrew KarasevMicrosoft CRM is new player on the CRM software market. The whole conception behind CRM seems to be different. In case of t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet database exchange create software
Analysis of Cat Behavior

Analysis of Cat Behavior by: Keith Kingston The most important thing to remember in analyzing the behavior of your cat is that your pet is not a human. Cats are not rational beings and their actions are not based on emotion. Changes in his behav...

Family  family litter changes behavior cats
A Simple Link Creates a Win/Win

Title: A Simple Link Creates a Win/WinAuthor: Kathleen Gage Email: kathleen@turningpointpresents.com Word Count: 357Copyright: © 2004 by Kathleen GageWeb Address: www.kathleengage.com Publishing Guidelines: You may publish my article in your new...

Marketing  marketing link exchange email
Discover Hidden Profits in Spare Change Time

Fact: Take the spare change out of your pocket every nightand put it in a child's piggy bank. At the end of a year youwill have at least a hundred dollars to spend as you wish. Now take this same principle and discover the huge payoff inthe "spa...

Business And Finance  business finance time change computer spare take