584 articles on "chang"

The Secret of Substainable Change

The Secret of Substainable Change by: Sarah L Kennedy Change is hard. So difficult in fact, that scientists report the prospect of radical change can create a neurological reaction in the brain similar to those produced by torture. We fear chang...

Health  health change will
Need to Change Something

“Need to change something?” you ask. “Isn’t it enough that everything around me is changing so fast I can’t keep up?”I see and hear it all the time. People starting to say something, then stopping, shaking their head and saying, “It isn...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation change things will
Become a Change Leader

One certainty in life is that the future holds unpredictable changes. We all start each day with a degree of uncertainty and the lessons and opportunities that life brings to us aren't always welcome.Even though unpredictability is an inevitable...

Business And Finance  business finance change life work take
Last Will And Testament Revisions And How You Go About It

Lets say that you made the very smart decision to have your Last Will and Testament prepared. You consulted the right professional and they have created you a legal document that truly encompasses your desire to leave specific assets to specific indi...

Legal  legal change would
Does Your Marketing Plan Need Changing?

Does Your Marketing Plan Need Changing? by: Joy Gendusa Change is good, right? Not always. But when is it bad? Is it a question of good or bad? Sounds philosophical. Maybe it is. Philosophize on this…why would one take something that is going ...

Marketing  marketing change over
Change Is Inevitable

"Change always comes bearing gifts." -Price Pritchett One of my favorite quotes is: "Pain is inevitable; suffering optional." It's the same with change. It's inevitable that life situations will change and that change may be accompanied by...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation change itaposs when
Change Happens How to Accept, Navigate and Master Change

Not only do we live in a time of unprecedented change, but thechanges we’re experiencing are happening at a faster and fasterrate. The telephone, radio and TV took decades to be placed intocommon use. Now the time it takes from invention to widespr...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation change will

It's amazing how many people try an MLM program only to get frustrated and give up. Most people are lured into MLM with the hope to get rich quick or they believe with little effort they will be able to earn a large enough income to quit their p...

Marketing  marketing success program change
Are You Afraid of Change

Change, no matter how you cut it, can certainly be adaunting task. There are so many ways to change; yourimage, attitude, environment, perceptions, addictions, andhow you treat others. However, let’s explore the reasons for change. Firstly,aspects...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation change when
No Pain, No Change

No Pain, No ChangeImplementing changes, even when they’re good for your business, can be tough. As the old adage goes, old habits die hard and it’s just as true in business as it is in our personal lives. It’s simply easier to take the path of ...

Business And Finance  business finance change process pain