1,046 articles on "children"

Learn to Write - Do I Need to be Creative to Write for Children?

One can learn to write children's books but it involves a different level of a writer's creativity to keep children's attention within what you are writing. Children's topics can be most compelling to draw out curiosity from them ...

Writing  writing creative childrenaposs creativity books
Child Slaves In Sweatshops

The International Labor Organization (ILO) says 250 million children from the ages of five and fourteen, work in developing countries. 7% in Latin America, 32% in Africa and 61% in Asia. Numerous children are slave labourers. They are forbidden to ...

Government  government children public numerous nike work many
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Children - About 5-20% of Children Have it, and Why it Happens

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a common digestive disorder whose general symptoms include one or a combination of flatulence, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, and an incomplete sensation or urgency of defecation. IBS is termed as a f...

Health  health bowel children irritable syndrome
From High School Summer Camp to HBO - A Passion for Self Expression Through Films

What inspires a person to follow the revving engine of their internal drive for success? Sixteen year old Christina Frenzel is allowing her passion for self-expression to drive her down a visionary path marked by self-fulfilled accomplishments in fil...

Kids And Teens  kids teens class christina film passion school national childrenaposs
Children Get Constipated, Too

Children Get Constipated, Too by: Dr. Loretta Lanphier, ND, CCN, HHP Do you notice your child putting off going to the bathroom because he/she is busy doing more important things? Do you notice avoidance of the bathroom for fear of a painful bow...

Health  health bowel child movements children
Make the Connection Start Disciplining with Love

How to stay connected with kids while setting limits.To discipline is to teach. When we discipline we teach our children to have self-control, to be considerate of others, and to feel secure. A home with no discipline is a recipe for chaos. Parents ...

Family  family discipline children behavior child love parents
Children Patriots

This year will be an especially poignant Independence Day for the United States on July 4. While there has been a surge in patriotism since September 11, we all need to maintain a sense of pride and love for our country whether we are at war or livin...

Family  family country children sense patriotism
Children Allowance- Giving Kids Spending Power

Many parents find giving children allowance can be beneficial for the kids, in a number of ways. For starters it introduces children to the concept of money and spending. Also, if they are responsible for their own money they often feel more independ...

Parenting  parenting children allowance kids chores money
10 Tips for Winning at Custody

Winning at Custody is one of the most difficult issues parents confront in divorce. In many cases, both parents want custody and are willing to spend whatever it takes to win. Custody is all about what is best for the children - and that involves pro...

Relationships  relationships children custody parent want
Small Children, Languages and Myths

Small Children, Languages and Myths by: Emma Rath Our children are growing up bilingual in the French part of Canada – Quebec. “That’s fine”, says everyone. “Even though they’ll probably start speaking later because they’re learnin...

Family  family language children foreign babies bilingual ability