100 articles on "coaching"

Design Your Perfect Lifestyle

Design Your Perfect Lifestyle We often fall into the trap of thinking we have to wait until retirement to have our life be just right. (Of course, in retirement people often get bored.) So stop waiting! This article is written to help you design your...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life friends coaching
MY CAREER IS IN THE DOLDRUMS…Do I need a Coach or a Therapist

Is Monday the worst day of your week? Can you hardly remember when you enjoyed going to work? Do friends ask why you seem so down? Maybe this has been going on awhile, and you’re realizing it’s time to do something. But where do you turn? At one ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation coaching helpself work will
What in the World is Life Coaching?

What in the World is Life Coaching? by: Cameron Powell In my speaking engagements I have often compared coaching today to psychotherapy in the 1920s. The level of public understanding of coaching, outside of people in a certain socio-demographic...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation coaching coach coaches client
How to Survive Lean Times When You're a Solopreneur

Building a viable coaching practice takes time, sometimes months or years before your practice is self-sustaining. Here are some ways to supplement your income in lean times, generate money quickly when you need it, and make productive use of the ext...

Business And Finance  business finance time coaching clients practice some
Wny Work with a CERTIFIED Emotional Intelligence Coach

Yes, Emotional Intelligence has been called “white hot” by the press, and you’ve probably been hearing about it lately. In fact when the Harvard Business Review published an article about Emotional Intelligence in 1998, more readers read the ar...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation intelligence emotional life field coaching
Management Coaching: Inside the Eight Steps

Management Coaching: Inside the Eight Steps by: Cliff Hebard We are sometimes asked why our coaching model at the Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness has eight steps. “Why so many?” some wonder. Given the pace at which most...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation coach plan coaching steps
Coaching for Success

Coaching for Success by: Terence R. Traut Coaching is perhaps the most effective method of increasing performance available to managers, team leaders, and colleagues. This article defines coaching and outlines a process for effective coaching. C...

Business And Finance  business finance coaching coachee areas self
The Easy Way to Get Your Point Across

“Metaphor” meant in Greek “carry something across” or “transfer.” The classic definition is comparing two things without using the words “like” and “as” but lately we use it more broadly, as a vivid statement that makes a point.Us...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation things coaching cant mountain help
Do You Ever Give Up Coaching Employees

In principle, we don’t want to give up coaching employees. We want to believe that we can eventually make a difference. Sometimes it’s our own ego that drives our persistence and determination. In reality, if we have followed the coaching process...

Business And Finance  business finance coaching time coachee
Soft Skills In the IT Environment – Part 2 of 2

by Carole Nicolaides, Copyright © 2002, All Rights Reservedwww.progressiveleadership.comIn part one of this article, we covered the importance of soft skills, especially for those in the information technologies vocations. After qualifying the a...

Business And Finance  business finance skills coaching soft article