625 articles on "college"

A New Way To Learn: Online

A New Way To Learn: Online by: Samuel Murray Many of the most universities in the country are realizing that no everyone can attend regular classes to obtain a college education. As a result almost all of them offer distance learning programs th...

Education  education online college learning degree they
An Online Degree: Is It Worth Pursuing?

The online degree has grown in popularity and provides people with an option to continue their education while taking into consideration their personal life which might otherwise prevent them from completing a degree.As a recruiter I have seen where ...

College Articles  college articles degree online people option education
2006 Digital Library Trends

In 2005 we saw a huge push for digital libraries and noticed Google and Microsoft both scanning books and putting them into digital format for the world to see. We saw many writers get aggressive and threaten lawsuits for copyright infringement. We w...

College Articles  college articles books online world think which
High School Students! So What Are You Doing This Summer?

When you were in grammar school and junior high, on the first day of school, what did teachers ask you the moment you walked into their classrooms? Remember? "What did you do this summer?" Most of the time, your answers were probably pretty predict...

Kids And Teens  kids teens programs summer students school college also
Why Should College Students Care About Their Credit Score?

Why Should College Students Care About Their Credit Score? by: Beth Stevenson Students are increasingly worried about credit and credit scores - and for good reason. Student debts are rising and the numbers of students who leave school with ruin...

Family  family student credit loans college financial good
College - Your Last Year Must Do's

In this article we're going to discuss what every student should do in his last year of college so that things don't pile up on you and you're ahead of the game.It's the first semester of your last year. You look at the calendar a...

College Articles  college articles start donapost
Exam Guides One: 5 Great Tips To Improve Your Strategy

In order to do well on a exam, you must first have a good knowledge of the information that is being examined. But, aside that, you must have a good strategy for taking the exam. This allows you to show what you know. This exam guide gives you some t...

College Articles  college articles time exam item
Obama's Scholarship Program Aimed at Mothers - Free Scholarships Just for Moms

You may have a deep desire to finish or begin your college degree; however, finances have prevented you from fulfilling that dream. If this sounds like you, then you are in luck. President Obama also has that desire. He would like to see all women ha...

Education  education women college degree
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Q. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" A. "Something that hasn't been invented yet." Most of us were brought up to study hard, get good grades, choose a "practical" college major, and strive for a "good job." Talk to a stranded midli...

Kids And Teens  kids teens child college into
Student Credit Cards 101

Student Credit Cards 101 by: Rebecca Lindsey If you’re a college student, you probably already have a credit card. If not, you may have plans to get one or more soon. So why should you read on? Because financial debt is one of the main reaso...

Business And Finance  business finance credit card students college