4,890 articles on "computers"

Secure Your E-mail Systems - Protecting Against Port 25 Vulnerabilities

It goes without saying that e-mail plays a critical role in any organization. This relatively new communication technology has, by many accounts, replaced the telephone as the most useful business tool available. Unfortunately, e-mail has also been a...

Computers And Internet  computers internet mail spam network attacks virus systems
Spam Bozo Filters

A bozo filter is a feature of email and newsgroups clients toallow you to automatically delete messages which you do not wantto receive. This is typically used to eliminate flame spammessages so you don't have to see them.For example, I am subsc...

Computers And Internet  computers internet messages email delete filters from
What is Podcasting

What is PodcastingPodcasting is quickly becoming a buzz word among the techie crowd. So what is podcasting, anyway? Podcasting is online audio content that is delivered via an RSS feed. Many people liken podcasting to radio on demand. However, in rea...

Computers And Internet  computers internet podcasting audio feed content listen news
I Love Opera!

Why is a singer-songwriter and fan of Elvis, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylanand roots rock and roll being so effusive about Opera?Well I'm not talking about opera music here, nor the Phantom of the Opera.I am talking about Opera - the third most po...

Computers And Internet  computers internet browser netscape
Attention, All Retailers! Here' How To Have No Inventory Costs. Bill Payment & Cellular.

Here's How Retailers Are TurboCharging Their Businesses For The Road Ahead With Walk-In Bill Payments/Prepaid Wireless Cellular Phone Service Provider Terminals, Plus More!. Your Niche To Compete With The Superstores, By Defining Merchant Retail...

Computers And Internet  computers internet merchant offer bill paying system paid
Setting up a Network Wired or Wireless

To Wire or Not to WireWireless networks are en vogue, but your installation won’t be successful unless you chose the right type of network and set it up properly. Wired networks require that each computer be connected via a wire to a central locati...

Computers And Internet  computers internet network wireless networks wired
Investment Portfolio of Chromabarography - strategy, market, objective, risk, potential, opportunities, plan!

People who think.People who do. People who get it. "Wat we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly". Paine "Friendship based on business is better than a business based on friendship". Rockefeller Do you want to know how you can save time and get hig...

Computers And Internet  computers internet column chromatographic equipment chromabarography time chromatography technology
Laptops Guide: Choosing a Laptop that is Right for You

Laptops Guide: Choosing a Laptop that is Right for You by: Jonathan Chase Most of us tend to think of laptops in the same way: a fairly small portable computer that can open and close like a suitcase, with all of the capabilities of a desktop. I...

Computers And Internet  computers internet laptop standard laptops those
TiVo Information and FAQ

TiVo SystemsTiVo, a device that records TV shows, has become hugely popular over the last couple of years. Here is some basic information about the Tivo recording unit:- Records live TV programs, with a maximum capacity of about 140 hours (although s...

Computers And Internet  computers internet tivo service device record calls
Avoid "Bad" Manners While Blogging

Avoid "Bad" Manners While Blogging by: Jim Edwards Blogging, the hottest trend in online publishing right now, is currently spreading like wildfire across the Internet. A cross between an online journal and a bulletin board, everyone from rock ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet blog rules online comments respond