4,890 articles on "computers"

Microsoft CRM Integration with Navision – overview for programmer

Microsoft CRM Integration with Navision – overview for programmer by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft Business Solutions CRM is very good budget alternative to Siebel and actually be-loved by Microsoft-oriented IT department system. Considering the ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet navision crystal database data
How To Choose A Fire Wall Software Program

How To Choose A Fire Wall Software Program by: Cavyl Stewart In the real world a "fire wall" is a fireproof wall that is built to stop the spread of fire from one part of a building to others. In the Internet world a firewall has a similar purpo...

Computers And Internet  computers internet fire firewall wall
Ten Great Careers For Computer “Geeks.”

Ten Great Careers For Computer “Geeks.” by: Max Stein The universal acceptance of computers into our daily lives, both at work and at home, has decreased the image of computer users as being “geeks.” The word geek itself has evolved a bi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet computer software security geek
Recycling Mobile Phones

Recycling Mobile Phones by: S. HousleyRecycle Cell PhonesTechnological advancements providing users with improved reception through integrated antenna systems, reduced size and weight of cell phones, along with numerous feature sets, and storage...

Computers And Internet  computers internet wireless phones cell phone recycling
Ezines, Ezines Everywhere!

es, Ezines Everywhere! by: Terri Seymour There are literally thousands of ezines being published online these days. Sometimes it is hard to know which ones are best for advertising in, reading, subscribing to and so on. How do we know which ones...

Computers And Internet  computers internet ezine publisher ezines they
Wealth for Free

Wealth for FreeWhen I started my on line company a year ago, I knew very little about optimizing my website. I had a very small budget so purchasing a prime spot on a search engine was out of the question. So my quest for free information began. Ther...

Computers And Internet  computers internet offering thousands
Linux Runlevels

Linux systems today generally use eight runlevels. Runlevelsdefine what services or processes should be running on thesystem. The init process can run the system in one of eightrunlevels. The system runs only one of the eight runlevelsat a time. The ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet runlevel system boot user runlevels linux mode
Why to Adopt .Net

Why adopt.Net•Websites and web services: For businesses to truly harness the power of the internet, websites must evolve. They must learn to interact with one another as well as with existing systems and applications. XML web services represent...

Computers And Internet  computers internet services create business applications them
When trade and community freedom starts to cost, click on!

Ecommerce is the product, and 'dotcom' greed, the waste; and in it's wake is strewn a vibrant internet community, oozing a strong passionate flow of community and trade presence.Fear from the dotcom 'crash', due to over price...

Computers And Internet  computers internet people community will
Heavy Online Usage During Crisis

The Internet played a considerable role in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on New York City and Washington, DC. The best and the worst of online usage emerged as email and instant messaging became prime sources of communication. News-based Web ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet sites attack news cross high