4,890 articles on "computers"

Nigerian Scam

Nigerian Scam by: Nowshade Kabir Although this scam has its root from Nigeria dated a decade back, nowadays, you receive similar scam letters from many African countries, notably, Nigeria, Benin, Togo and even South Africa. The subject lines of ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet emails scam
To Seal Or Not To Seal

I get many emails from people with refilling problems and one of the biggest is cartridges that just won't print after refilling them. There are many reasons for this but one problem in particular has been popping up with frequency lately. Peopl...

Computers And Internet  computers internet cartridges cartridge refill refilling seal will
DVD Backup Made Easy

If you are running backups on a regular basis, you have probably come across the problem that CDRs or CDRWs are simply to small for some backups. While you could split your backups to multiple CDs, this is not a very good solution if you have to back...

Computers And Internet  computers internet backup backups dvds writing winbackup
LivePornStarOnCam Signs MariahXXX

(CyberSpace) April , 2005 - Live video chat site LivePornStarOnCam has signed Porn performer Mariah to chat for fans starting last Friday, April 1.She has appeared in over 200 adult films, sometimes as Mariah Kane, but prefers to appear live now with...

Computers And Internet  computers internet shows mariah live video chat appearances casey
LiveCamNetwork.com Announces Its Fall Line-Up

(Toronto) September 7, 2004 Studio manager at LiveCamNetwork.com, Office Gnome has settled on her chat hostesses for the coming pre-glacial months of early winter. While Office Gnome has been hard at work dealing with schedules, interviews and train...

Computers And Internet  computers internet summer livecamnetwork chat months dealing
Exploit Detection and Vulnerability Correlation

http://www.open.com/solutions/vulnerability-correlation.jspVulnerability correlation is key to reducing the false positive rate. The risk of any one attack clearly depends on whether or not the target system is vulnerable to the exploit being used. ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet correlation reducing false httpwwwopencomsolutionsvulnerability relevant positives ability intelligently
RSS News You Choose

Why is RSS So Magical?The answer is simple: RSS is news you choose. How Does it Work?Publishers and webmasters provide content and news in an RSS feed. Users view the content of interest in an RSS reader or news aggregator. The aggregator or reader c...

Computers And Internet  computers internet feeds reader news feed content aggregator aggregators
Successful Print Advertising Designs

Successful Print Advertising Designs by: Lala C. Ballatan Do you often see print advertisements outdoors, as much as you see Web advertisements when you surf through the Web? I’m pretty sure that you have entirely different views and reactions...

Computers And Internet  computers internet print letters words advertisements
Quick System Restore with ASR Backups

ASR (Automated System Recovery) is a feature available on the Windows XP Pro and Windows Server 2003 operating systems for quick and efficient system backup and restore.Typically, the restore process involves reinstalling the operating system and con...

Computers And Internet  computers internet system restore backup process windows automated settings
BitDefender Pushes Security Updates To Linux Mail Servers

Bitdefender, one of the leading cybersecurity companies in the world, has recently pushed out security updates to its Linux mail servers. These updates are designed to address vulnerabilities that could leave the servers open to attack. Linux is a p...

Computers And Internet  computers internet bitdefender products mail servers other