4,890 articles on "computers"

Computer E-Waste Recycling Now Fueled By Lack Of Australian Legislation

Computer E-Waste Recycling Now Fueled By Lack Of Australian Legislation by: David Allman Motivated by the lack of Australian government legislation and limited options available concerning the disposal of computer e-waste, IT Recyclers has initi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet computer waste equipment recyclers david environment landfill recycling
Get PHP pages indexed in the Search engines

Get PHP pages indexed in the Search engines by: Michael Medeiros A simple method to convert files from Php to Html Extensions, on an Apache Server Most will agree Php has become the common language for creating dynamic Websites. Although the lan...

Computers And Internet  computers internet file directory variable indexphp
Mjmls.com Offers a New Advertising Venue

Mjmls.com Offers a New Advertising Venue by: Michael Medeiros After conducting months of research towards developing an online Marketplace, Mjmls.com initiated beta-release of a new Classified Advertising Venue (http://www.mjmls.com). With sever...

Computers And Internet  computers internet classifieds users directory medeiros mjmlscom application
Great Plains Sales Order Processing and Invoicing Modules – tips for consultant

Great Plains Sales Order Processing and Invoicing Modules – tips for consultant by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft Great Plains – main Microsoft Business Solutions application for US and Latin American (except Brazil, where MBS promotes Navision)...

Computers And Internet  computers internet plains modules sales microsoft
Microsoft CRM Customization – programming email activity attachment

Microsoft CRM Customization – programming email activity attachment by: Boris Makushkin Microsoft CRM is now on the scene and it is increasing its market share, due to Microsoft Business Solutions muscles and marketing strategy. It is tightly ...

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Microsoft Navision DB Selection: C/SIDE or MS SQL Server - overview for IT Specialist

Microsoft Navision DB Selection: C/SIDE or MS SQL Server - overview for IT Specialist by: Robert Horowitz Microsoft Business Solutions Navision serves both European and American megamarkets. It was originally written by Denmark-based Navision So...

Computers And Internet  computers internet navision database server data cside
Cisco CCNA / CCNP Certification: Learning To Navigate Cisco's Online Documentation

Cisco CCNA / CCNP Certification: Learning To Navigate Cisco's Online Documentation by: Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933 When studying for your Cisco CCNA, CCNP, or CCIE exam, you’ve got a powerful online weapon at your disposal. It’s Cisco Con...

Computers And Internet  computers internet cisco documentation command protocol site
Use Your Computer For Your Entertainment Needs

Use Your Computer For Your Entertainment Needs by: Robert DorranceBy using your computer today you can find a lot of different music and movie programs. From downloading music and movies directly from the internet to buying subscriptions, joinin...

Computers And Internet  computers internet movie music clubs entertainment programs also
AD Popup Killer can help you close popup ads when surfing the Internet.

Frequently the annoying pop-up ads will disturb your sights and occupy your system resource when you surf upon Internet. How can you clear the pop-up AD? AD Popup Killer is your best choice. Your trouble will be gone. AD Popup Killer will become your...

Computers And Internet  computers internet popup killer clear cannot
The Single Least Expensive Yet Most Valuable Way to Upgrade Your Computer's Performance

Is your computer not what it used to be? I betwhen you bought it, it was top of the line, wasn'tit? Well, I can almost guarantee it's not anymore!At the current rate of development, it probablylacked the most modern advances by the time you...

Computers And Internet  computers internet computer triple installed upgrade computeryou