176 articles on "country"

Definition of an American A Brief Glimpse of Patriotism

Definition of an American: A Brief Glimpse of Patriotismby C. Bailey-LloydWhat is Patriotism? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary® , a Patriot is defined as such: "one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests....

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation american patriot patriotism country americans
Government Support to Boost Solar Power Plants Capacity

India is one of the fastest growing countries in terms of energy consumption. Currently, it is the fifth largest consumer of energy in the world, and it is expected that it will become the third largest by 2030. At the same time; the country is heavi...

Business And Finance  business finance energy country sources largest aggressively demand
Linedanceing - How Did We Begin?

Linedanceing - How Did We Begin? by: A Walker A number of authors have tried to trace the historic roots of line dancing and, though they seldom agree, most seem to be of the opinion that, “line dancing in one form or another has been around s...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports line dance dancing country dances music
Navigate Your Way Around With The Map Of Thailand

Thailand is a Southeast Asian country where a constitutional monarch reigns. Bordered by Burma and Laos in the north; Cambodia and Laos in the east; the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia in the south and the Andaman Sea on the south, it is one of the maj...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure country thailand south laos center largest city also
New Year’s Resolutions for the BackCountry

New Year’s Resolutions for the BackCountry by: Chuck Fitzgerald The New Year has begun and you probably have a few New Year’s Resolutions under way. You’ll lose weight, lose a bad habit, add a good habit or even mend an old fence. But do y...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports year backcountry learn years resolve time
Five Life Skills for BackCountry Enjoyment

Five Life Skills for BackCountry Enjoyment by: Chuck Fitzgerald As outdoor enthusiasts spend more and more time in our backcountry, a handful of skills become more and more essential. All of these skills are easy to learn and add considerably to...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports backcountry skills fuel start life will
Singapore, the Dragon

Singapore was founded as a British trading colony in 1819. It joined the Malaysian Federation in 1963 but separated two years later and became independent. It subsequently became one of the worlds most prosperous countries with strong international t...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks singapore country monsoon
Should I Get Divorced in England or Abroad?

In order for a divorce to be granted in the UK, it must be validly brought under UK jurisdiction. Broadly speaking if a foreign national is UK resident they can apply for a divorce under the UK jurisdiction. The European Community ('EC') ha...

Relationships  relationships divorce country jurisdiction spouse
Nursing Vacancies Abroad

Getting through your studies to become a registered nurse is often the easiest part, once they are over you then have to decide where your interests lay and the type of environment you would like to work in. With the huge amount of opportunities avai...

Education  education nursing nurses work country abroad
The Climate And Weather Of Spain

The Climate And Weather Of Spain by: Jakob Jelling Due to the important extension of land Spain comprehends and the different geographical areas it has, this country shows some different climates at some spots than at in others, although there a...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure spain time country temperatures most