200 articles on "degree"

A Review of The University of Phoenix Online MBA Degree

Attending classes online is the smart way for busy people to earn degrees to advance in their present career or furthering their education. The University of Phoenix Online has earned its reputation as the premier provider of E-distant learning degre...

College Articles  college articles students online program phoenix university degree will
Improve Your Job Prospects and Brighten Your Future at An Arlington Area College

In order to reach your full career potential, you need to get a good secondary education. Those who earn an Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree or Master's degree are far more likely to be eligible for higher paying careers in stable...

Education  education degree career offer colleges
Documenting Everything Your Journal is Your Logbook

Sailors had it for years. Great explorers had it as well. If you go on an expedition to an ancient Aztec mound, more than likely the archaeologist will have one too - so, why shouldn't you own one? No, I'm not speaking of the scurvy that pl...

Writing  writing write degrees journal speaking
Online Bachelor Degrees

Online bachelor degrees are quickly becoming the most popular means for students to further their educations. The Internet is simply exploding with schools offering online bachelor degrees in many different fields of study. Now, getting a degree can ...

College Articles  college articles online bachelor degree students programs degrees will
The University of Phoenix Degree Program Vs. A Traditional Degree Program

There are different schools of thoughts advocating either a traditional degree or an online degree. Whereas the goal of education and job marketability remains the same, the point of argument is over the ways in which the goal is attained. You will b...

College Articles  college articles online education degree time traditional classroom goal
5 Lucrative Job Prospects After Getting An MBA Degree

So looking for a job post in a managerial or executive level? An MBA degree might be of your help! The job prospect for an MBA student is probably better than for any other career. An MBA degree holder ends up having enough knowledge in theory and pr...

Education  education degree management specialization having schools
Who Should Earn an Online Associate Degree?

An online associate degree is a two-year general studies degree that is obtained entirely over the Internet. This type of degree is perfect for those individuals who wish to begin their college career or who wish to finish their two year degree befor...

College Articles  college articles degree online individuals associate program those
College: Fast and Cheap, Down and Easy

Joe's College GuideToday's College WorldAh, the college years. Sex. Liquor. The occasional lecture hall. A bohemian paradise of education, right? All fun and learning until you get the bill in the mail, for an average of $15,000 per year in...

College Articles  college articles tests degree credits schools these
Online Degrees

Earning a degree online can be every bit as enriching as a university experience. Some people believe that online learning is not as interpersonal or dynamic as traditional face-to-face learning. This is a large misconception that has lead people to ...

College Articles  college articles online degree learning university
The Sundial - Garden Ornament or Exotic Timepiece

Most of us regard a sundial as an attractive ornament fora park or garden. Their effectiveness as time keepers ishighly variableThat's unfortunate, because it is not at all difficult to ensure that your garden sundial will be an accurate timepie...

Home Improvement  home improvement time sundial noon degrees dial sundials