416 articles on "dents"

Is Teaching With Interactive Content Research-Based?

Teaching with interactive content is becoming increasingly popular in the modern education system. With the advancement of technology, interactive content has become more accessible, affordable and more widely used by educators and students alike. I...

Education  education technology students research instructional classroom teachers learning
Truck Accident Statistics

Truck Accident Statistics: Understanding the Risks on the Road Truck accidents are a major concern for lawmakers, law enforcement agencies, and motorists alike. These accidents can result in severe injuries and damage to property, often taking a gre...

Legal  legal fatal percent truck crashes accidents vehicle involved were
Leadership Tips For Students

Leadership Tips for Students Leadership is a quality that is highly valued in the professional world. Students who start developing their leadership skills early on in their academic careers will be better prepared to assume leadership roles in the ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens leadership students relevant
College's Language Faculty and Student Develop Online Board for the World

College's Language Faculty and Student Develop Online Board for the World by: Rand Huck (WARWICK, RI) - A new forum may be a great help to students of foreign language and those studying abroad. "[it] is an important addition to the world o...

Computers And Internet  computers internet language students foreign discussion forum culture
How to Find the Right Yoga Teacher for You

How to Find the Right Yoga Teacher for You by: Della Menechella In order to find a quality yoga instructor, you need to know what to look for. Since there is no universal certification program for yoga teachers, not all of them are created equal...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports yoga teacher class students instructor
Medical Assistant: Distance Education for the Medical Assistant

Medical Assistant: Distance Education for the Medical Assistant by: Dr. Mark Stout Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of students in the twenty first century. St. Augustine Medical Assistant ...

Health  health medical assistant distance education learning augustine school students
Considerations in Distance Education for the Medical Assistant Instructor

Considerations in Distance Education for the Medical Assistant Instructor by: Dr. Mark Stout Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of students in the twenty first century. St. Augustine Medical ...

Health  health medical assistant distance education augustine learning students school
College's Language Faculty and Student Develop Online Board for the World

Language learning is a crucial part of education for students, and colleges often have dedicated language faculties to help students become fluent in different languages. However, in the modern era, institutions have recognized the importance of digi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet language students foreign discussion forum culture
Augmented Reality and Holographic Projection in Colleges

These days there is a big shortage of really good college professors. The professors are paid a lot of money and that costs students in tuition and well it prevents many students who do not have the money from going to college. Additionally we have t...

College Articles  college articles professors students integrity holographic think
Tips For Developing An Effective Questionnaire

Tips For Developing An Effective Questionnaire by: Nick HillDeveloping the questionnaire is undoubtedly the most important part of conducting a survey. The quality of the questions will determine the quality of the results and the effectiveness ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet survey questions respondents understand always